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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

[ Edited ]

@Serendipity wrote:

I like this one. Just went to the site for the first time. Interesting store.



It's a very cool store...


This graphic bag is interesting... and they have some other neat bags on their site.


As for that hobo everybody's liking, I love the brand. I have two other bags from them and they're both very nice bags. They're simply but elegantly designed, nice leather, and are not heavyweights. I think @NycVixen would probably agree.


And with that, now I am signing off for the evening...  Take care, all.



In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@stevieb @EdithEllenLily Do either of you (or anyone) have the florentine Smith bag or the double handle tassel satchel?

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@Sister Golden Hair wrote:

I'm going for the hobo that Nyc showed itHeart

@Sister Golden Hair  LOL.. I know, that bag looks amazing. And what I know about the brand the quality is pretty good. There is just something about it. Anthro is not known for selling subpar merchandise. 


I'm going to see if I can see it in person this weekend. The truth is, I just love shoulder bags and especially totes. This one is also just the right size; 14 x 14 x 5. I'm sorry for enabling you!!!!! Does that mean I'm going to the outhouse @stevieb?

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@stevieb wrote:

@handygal2 wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@handygal2 wrote:

@stevieb: I'll take the ivory Fontanelli woven!

Well, hey @handygal2. I'm glad someone liked at least one of them !! I actually like that one too, along with the first three satchels (especially love those first two, but 'get it' that they aren't for everyone), the Cavelli and The Bridge bag, but none of them probably enough to purchase, especially at the prices these bags are going for

I like the first two satchels also-- the texture reminds me of Brahmins.

I know @handygal2... I just think they're very classic and elegant. I've been getting away from more structured bags, but somehow love these.

@stevieb I also like the Cavelli!!!

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@stevieb wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

I like this one. Just went to the site for the first time. Interesting store.



It's a very cool store...


This graphic bag is interesting... and they have some other neat bags on their site.


As for that hobo everybody's liking, I love the brand. I have two other bags from them and they're both very nice bags. They're simply but elegantly designed, nice leather, and are not heavyweights. I think @NycVixen would probably agree.


And with that, now I am signing off for the evening...  Take care, all.



I completely agree @stevieb! It's great to know you have bags from Pulicati and can vouch for the quality. 


Goodnight, I'm signing off too!!! Goodnight girls! Happy handbag dreams to all.......

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@stevieb wrote:

@Sister Golden Hair wrote:

I'm going for the hobo that Nyc showed itHeart

I think I might as well...

@stevieb @Sister Golden Hair  That most likely makes three of us!!!!!!!  Woman Tongue Woman LOL Woman Wink (the emoji are us LOL).

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@Serendipity wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@Sister Golden Hair wrote:

I'm going for the hobo that Nyc showed itHeart

I think I might as well...

Does it come in other colors too?

@Serendipity @Sister Golden Hair @stevieb  Great question! I knew I forgot something! The Anthro sales rep said it also comes in purple. I didn't ask her what shade exactly, darn. I guess I do have to make a trip to the store but I'm in love with the brown at this point and don't think I'll pick any other color. 

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@Serendipity wrote:

@stevieb @EdithEllenLily Do either of you (or anyone) have the florentine Smith bag or the double handle tassel satchel?

@Serendipity Nope, neither. However, I checked out the florentine Smith bag at the Dooney outlet and it was extremely heavy!!! Woman Surprised

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@Serendipity wrote:

OK the new D&B crossbody is pretty big. Maybe even too big for a big bag girl! Smiley Surprised

Hi @Serendipity .. are you referring to the Florentine Tilton that was on last night?  I did not like that bag at all.  Way too large; did not like the shape;  and I hated that strap.  I think it really cheapened the bag.

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Re: Satchel Santas, Ho-Ho-Hobos and Other Indulgences Y'all... 4Q-2015

@Sister Golden Hair wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@Sister Golden Hair wrote:

Sweet Dreams


I have to go for bloodwork tomorrow and get my flu shot.

Hi @Sister Golden Hair ... good luck with your blood work!  I went for blood work on the 13th.  When I had last had it done in April my thyroid was a little "sluggish".  My cardiologist suggested I see an endocrinologist.  My brother is a doctor and he told me that my level was so close to normal that an endocrinologist would most likely not even put me on any meds.  Well things got so hectic during the summer and early fall.  And with my DH getting laid off work and all the problems we had getting Cobra coverage.. I never went.  So I was a bit nervous on the 13th.  But it turns out EVERYTHING came back NORMAL!!!  Got my flu shot in early October.

I'm glad that everything was good.


I have always had very bad veins. They jump and roll. So I'm always scared because they have such a terrible getting my blood.


Well, today wasn't any different. I hate for them to dig and it was in my hand.


The woman finally called someone else over after I told her to quit. I was crying by this time.


The other woman finally got it and with a butterfly needle it takes a while to fill up all those vials.


One time when I was in the hospital, they had to put the IV in my groinWoman Sad


The flu shot went fine and then my husband took me out for mexican food.

Oh My @Sister Golden Hair .. really sorry to hear you always have such a difficult time having blood drawn.  I don't have any problems ... but I am just a coward when it comes to having any needles stuck in me.  I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised at how much it didn't hurt the first time I had blood drawn (my DB the anesthesiologist always told me I have great veins) .. but I cannot look while it is being done.  My poor DM often had problems having blood drawn.  One time when Mom was in the hospital (not even a hospital where DB had any privileges) they had to call DB in to draw her blood.  When my DF was ill... he would not allow anyone else but my DB draw blood.  And since DF was a physician with privileges in the hospital they always allowed DB to draw blood.