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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

I have 2 older than dirt Lee Sands eel skin wallets - red & black.  The black one is my daily wallet.  The red one is my casino wallet.  Both are the wallets that zippered all the way around w/a little key chain attached.


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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

I can understand why he (or she - I don't know which) stopped selling them - no one uses coins anymore!  

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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

Amazon had a few, various styles. I'm still using a Lee Sand wallet----for years, dh too. Eel skin is so durable and elegant.

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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

@ValuSkr wrote:

I can understand why he (or she - I don't know which) stopped selling them - no one uses coins anymore!  

What planet are you from? Smiley Tongue

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

I have lots of Lee Sands jewelry purchased off of ebay from 2 Hawaiian sellers. It's all in a storage bin in a storage facility. 

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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

@ValuSkr wrote:

I can understand why he (or she - I don't know which) stopped selling them - no one uses coins anymore!  

I still use coins.  These small "wallets" can be used for other things also.

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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

I had his eel wallet, in a grey color. That thing wore like iron and was a favorite of mine for years! I never did buy any of the bags but the wallets were sold here on the Q. 

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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

Etsy and Amazon have some eel skin choices. 

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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

I have the double coin purse--a tiny coin purse inside a bigger one---was a gift from Hawaii years ago!! Still in perfect condition too!!

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Re: Remember the Lee Sands Eelskin coin purses?

@Sunshine Kate  I absolutely remember Lee Sands eelskin everything he sold. 


I still have a black and a tan one and they look brand new. 


Also have the cute pink make up case and a black wallet. 


You have been given some good suggestions, so I hope you find some. They are wonderful. Woman Happy


I gave my Mom a Lee Sands eelskin hobo handbag years ago and she loved it and it wore like iron. I still have my turquoise handbag from Lee.