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For Those Who Like Madi Claire

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Re: For Those Who Like Madi Claire

I just wish the Madi Clare bags were better quality.  I like some of the ddesigns and colors but the ones I've seen in person seem to be leather bonded to cardboard.  They seem to be overdoing the textures, shiny, textured with several on one bag, and big imposing hardware.  They're starting to look like Kathy Van Zeeland bags.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: For Those Who Like Madi Claire

The only bag I've really liked from this line is the Melissa (tooled leather) satchel and it seems they're not going to restock all the colors or add new ones. I'd love to have that bag in off white. Otherwise, while the bags are alright, many of them give off sort of a plastic vibe in person. They also tend to use too much bling on too many of their bags for them to really appeal to me, overall.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: For Those Who Like Madi Claire

I enjoy watching, but the bags are too shiny and have too much going on in some styles.  I prefer a good, supple leather with a sleek/clean look.  Evidently, Madi Claire has many fans as some of the bags sell out.  Different strokes...

If your face brightens when you meet a friend, you have struck gold. - unknown