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Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

I'm very very new to Dooney. I saw a bag I really wanted on the I Love Dooney website, which I found here on this board. It was a Charleston in natural and it looked really good. I didn't realize that 9" is way too short for a handle drop, so I had to return it. I then found the Lexington Shopper in Clementine, which I loved as well. The drop was supposed to be 11-1/2" and it looked really long, but it turned out to be way too short.I had to return it as well.


I then found a Dooney shopper on eBay, brand new, in a beautiful mint color. The price was excellent. When I got it delivered, thankfully it was a 15" drop which was perfect, and if I ever go outside again, it will be great, even with a coat.


I've wanted to buy another bag in a red/orange because those colors make me happy, but I can't find another one that has a long enough drop. Do any of you have this problem as well? I'm ready to give up on Dooney for that exact reason. Why do they make their straps so short?


Any advice?



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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

Try Coach handbags. They usually include two straps with many of their styles so you have an option.

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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

I don't buy armpit bags either. I agree with the previous poster Coach is making bags with two straps but if you're like me I don't want the shorter strap and it just gets in the way hanging there. I bought a Coach bag with two straps and I ended up cutting off the armpit strap because I hated it just hanging there and Coach doesn't make them removable. Brighton is another one that makes some bags with both straps and they make theirs removable.

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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

For me a 9" would be a good shoulder bag, even shorter can work.  The double straps do tend to separate and slip.

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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!



Yes, I find D & B to make straps too short.  I have some and they're not my favorite.  I prefer a longer strap.  

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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

@Janey2 wrote:

Try Coach handbags. They usually include two straps with many of their styles so you have an option.


@Janey2- thank you for your suggestion. The thing is, I don't own any Dooneys, and after watching some demos on QVC I decided I wanted to buy one, but not at their prices! Then I read on here about the I Love Dooney website, and I was hooked lol


Coach are nice but I wanted a Dooney!

"That's a great first pancake."
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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

I SOOOOO agree with you and others that state their straps are tooooooo short for over the shoulder style!!!!!! AND, I hate that second strap that is on most of their finer bags which you can use to carry on your wrist or forearm. I have several of their bags and end up giving them away because the straps are too short! MJ

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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

[ Edited ]

I don’t like short straps on handbags either. I don’t like double straps either. IMO it’s been getting more & more difficult to find a good one strap shoulder bag.


I know it’s not an option for everyone, but since retiring I’ve actually started using smaller crossbody bags. I’m not carrying as much around with me anymore, & I get a longer hands free strap. 

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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

They always give the length of the strap in their presentations.

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Re: Dooney Strap Length--TOO SHORT!

I'm short - and have many Dooneys. I don't find their straps short. When u order on I love dooney - it says the length of the strap - and sometimes it could adjusted.