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WHY is D&B on so much lately?? Goodness, they must own stock in QVC now. Seems they are on almost daily. 

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I love that new large zip barlow bag.  Won't be ordering it because empty the bag weighs over 3 lbs.!!!  By the time you put your things in it, you'll need a forklift to put it on your shoulder. 

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They don't need stock. The profit margin is probably over 60% for each hand bag. Then add in that stupid S&H profit. They are raking in the bucks from shut-ins and people that do not internet shop.

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My guess would be the other way around.....QVC OWNS stock in D&B.


However, I'm convinced QVC is also selling blocks of time to WEN and others.  Many $$$ bucks for an hour or 4 hours - therefore QVC never handles products nor warehouses anything.

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Why?  For the same reason supermarkets sell bread and milk.  Or Amazon constantly touts their ereaders.


No matter how often D&B is on, thousands of their bags sell -and then someone starts a thread to complain they are available too often.


Same with Wen -  they're here all the time and thousands of items sell each visit.  Or Philosophy or tv's or mattresses, and the list goes on and on.  QVC spotlights a company, thousands show up and spend their money and a few come here to complain.  


If you were running the company, getting paid to make a profit, which group would get your attention? 


I'm sure each one of us can name products that are sold repeatedly in which we personally have no interest, so whether they're on for one hour or 15 - the hours are wasted for our personal watching.  Yet I know if i were in charge, I'd be checking the bottom line long before I checked in here. 

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just my opinion, but I don't see why everyone is so enamoured with D&B.  while they are a popular brand and seem to be of good quality.But I never really cared for the styles - not really up to date.  They seem to me to be very much the same when you think about  it.  i have three bags I love.  they are B.Makowsky; American West, and Chanel.  They are all very different and I appreciate that.  just my humble opinion,.  apparently they are very popular so we know  some really like them so D&B fans please don't get upset.

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@fthunt wrote:

My guess would be the other way around.....QVC OWNS stock in D&B.


However, I'm convinced QVC is also selling blocks of time to WEN and others.  Many $$$ bucks for an hour or 4 hours - therefore QVC never handles products nor warehouses anything.

They must be. It's the most reasonable explanation for why the programming has become so stale and repetitive. I used to look foward to Dooney shows... you know... when they were the exception rather than the rule. Now, I don't even turn most of them on. Same bags, same full retail prices and high shipping. Just not interested.


And while of course TPTB focus on the bottom line, they also need to focus on what customers are saying. Customer retention is a good thing. Seeking a middle ground promotes that, so perhaps a passing nod to the many who've grown weary with the same ten brands being presented in an endless loop and so have moved on might be a good thing... What a concept...

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I haven't seen any evidence that either company drop ships orders for QVC. Which is what you are basically saying. Both Wen and Dooney ship from QVC warehouses when you order from QVC. I've ordered from both companies directly and from QVC for their items.   

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@hopi wrote:



They don't need stock. The profit margin is probably over 60% for each hand bag. Then add in that stupid S&H profit. They are raking in the bucks from shut-ins and people that do not internet shop.

@hopi:  Agreed. And add to the list impulse shoppers, who are the most likely to return the handbag. They will have to "eat" the shipping charges both ways, which can easily come to $19.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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I was really impressed today and yesterday on the DB shows.  Pat JD was so good and Jayne was terrific!!!!!!!!!  I bought two of the mini  drawstring pebble leather bags at a great price.  On closeout for $188 and free shipping.  I bought the Celadon and Peanut brittle, I can't wait to get them.  They sold out so fast, but I see most of the colors are back for sale...not sure what that is all about.  I checked out the DB website and they are still selling for $228.00 approx., so I think I got a good deal.... don't know how to tell my husband I bought two more DB bags, after buying 4 other bags on vacation to the outlet store in Washington,  oh well, I'll figure it out.  I bought two florentines, they are unbelieveably gorgeous.