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Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@jaxs mom Three fifty eight for that two inch wide bag... and one picture of it in one color available to view... For obvious reasons, I didn't want to say anything 'over there' but really, WHAT is the draw... I guess it just escapes me... 



The dimensions just don't make any sense to me. Why would anyone want a handbag that is 17x15 and only 2 inches "wide"? I guess it would work as a laptop bag. Or you could line up your items in single file row. But why 15 inches tall/deep then? I really don't care if anyone else buys it, but it won't be coming to my house. And yes, 300+ dollars for a QVC house brand? I think not. 

@jaxs mom and @stevieb   what bag are you talking about?  What ever it is I agree that 17 x 15 x 2  makes no sense.

It's the GILI foldover tote

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Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@stevieb wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@Bird mama @Boehm Collector...


I honestly don't know what the majority wants, since we're the only ones who have chimed in, but it seems that so far, we're somewhat flexible and good with trying a monthly thread. Unless there's tremendous hearburn with that should others chime in later, that sounds like a plan. And given there are nights when a couple of hundred posts show up, we should probably be ready for a new thread sooner rather than later.

@stevieb I'm good with a quarterly thread. But not averse to monthly if that makes it easier. What I want to know is what handbag are we going to send around a la Sisterhood of the Traveling Handbag. LOL.

@Serendipity One it won't be... the Logo Lock... No way... It also can't be pink (or any other baby color) floral, camo, metallic, snake patterened, a cross body or nylon, so don't get any wise ideas.


Woman Wink


I'd suggest EEL's new slate blue satchel and I just know she'll be willing to contribute that for the good of the Sisterhood... And if she isn't, well, I guess that tells us she's not really a Sister... And incidentally @EdithEllenLily, you'll need to ship that to me first, you know, for inspection.


Woman Very Happy

@stevieb @Serendipity   Huh?  What Sisterhood of the Traveling Handbag?!?!?  What did i miss?




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Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@shoekitty wrote:



Kate Spade.  She's killin' me!  LOL!  I wish I could send back one of the 2 I bought last month.  The peanut handbag or the carousel.  I love them, but I love this more.  I rarely have regrets, but I think when KS has a 25% off, I will bite.  Hopefully mrrebates will have 8% rebate, and with a 25% off, it will be a 33% discount.  I love it.  It screams spring and summer.

@shoekitty and @Serendipity.....which Kate Spade are you talking about.  I seem to missed a lot of what is going on around here..  



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Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@Bird mama wrote:


@jaxs mom


Glad you said it about the fold over bag 'over there'.  It crossed my mind but I didn't want to cause WWIII

Here I go again.  @Bird mama  What is wrong with me tonight?!?!?!?!?!



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Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@Serendipity wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

A heads up that there's a great watch on LS. I think I've had it for about two years and it's still one of my favorites. It's big and bold, but not flashy or full of bling. And unlike other big watches, this one is super comfortable and the strap is excellent leather. Just a heads up since I know lots of you like watches. @stevieb @handygal2 @Bird mama @EdithEllenLily@ @sister golden hair @Boehm Collector @gramygram @skyblue @jaxs mom Oh and it's totally unisex, if you want to get it for an SO. Was designed by LR after a men's watch she wanted. Alberti presents it well in the video (and wears it too). 


J292324 Bronze Bold Round Sub-Dial Leather Strap Watch by Bronzo Italia

@Serendipity  .... okay, you are going to have to explain something to this old lady.  What is LS?  

@Boehm Collector Lunchtime Special Smiley Happy

Thanks @Serendipity   LOL

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Posts: 7,984
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@Serendipity wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

@EdithEllenLily wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

@EdithEllenLily wrote:

@Serendipity wrote:

@EdithEllenLily So EEL, I don't want to work anymore. I need a really, long, long, long vacation. 

Oh dear, you're probably burnt out (but not burnt toast Woman Wink) from working too hard catching up from being so sick! Woman Sad By the way, did that last round of medicine shake that bronchitis out of you? How are you feeling? Heart

@EdithEllenLily Believe it or not EEL, took the last pill Monday evening. The bronchitis seems to be gone, hurray, but the first round of meds didn't tackle the sinus infection. The last round of meds was so harsh. Had to take on an empty stomach and battled serious queaziness for the duration. I know it stays in our system for a few days after finishing, so hoping it's still working. I'm not sure it's 100% gone. My ear pops now and then. Smiley Sad


I've finished three projects and have three to go. I'm using my birthday as a self-imposed deadline because I want to start a new year, new life. Smiley Very Happy

That was such a long time to be sick @Serendipity!!! And with things that turned into other were a sick chick!! Woman Sad I'm hoping that the medicine stays and works some more so you will be fully healed very soon. You know this I am showers and hot liquids like herbal tea and hot water with lemon are very good to open up the areas in your head!


Your deadline plan sounds good for your work projects! I was always one that needed a deadline or else I would goof around...Woman Wink Is your birthday in late April (you don't need to tell the actual date...)?

@EdithEllenLily Thanks, EEL. I do feel much better in the past week. If you can't tell by my posting. Smiley Very Happy It's mid, I'm an Aries. In case you could't tell that either. LOL.

Hi @Serendipity .. I knew you were a fellow Aries.  But I did not know your birthday was  in mid-April!  So is mine!!

@Boehm Collector You know what this calls for BC? uh-huh. uh-huh. The buddy emoticon!





@Boehm Collector Awwwwwww. What little cherubs we once were. So sweet. LOL. Thank goodness for your emoticons, BC. Heart I'm laughing with tears. 




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Posts: 7,984
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@jaxs mom wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@jaxs mom Three fifty eight for that two inch wide bag... and one picture of it in one color available to view... For obvious reasons, I didn't want to say anything 'over there' but really, WHAT is the draw... I guess it just escapes me... 



The dimensions just don't make any sense to me. Why would anyone want a handbag that is 17x15 and only 2 inches "wide"? I guess it would work as a laptop bag. Or you could line up your items in single file row. But why 15 inches tall/deep then? I really don't care if anyone else buys it, but it won't be coming to my house. And yes, 300+ dollars for a QVC house brand? I think not. 

@jaxs mom and @stevieb   what bag are you talking about?  What ever it is I agree that 17 x 15 x 2  makes no sense.

It's the GILI foldover tote

Thanks @jaxs mom  .. Is it this one?  If so I can understand what you mean... makes no sense.


Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 9.07.26 PM.png

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Posts: 7,984
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@stevieb @jaxs mom @Serendipity @EdithEllenLily @ Sister Golden Hair @BlingQueen022 .. and who ever else is around.... I'm going to call it quits earlier than usual tonight,,,,  my back is really bothering me.  So I'm going to try to lie down.  Hopefully it will help ease the pain  Don't know what I did to trigger it....  It might just be the way I am sitting with this laptop.  See you all tomorrow,   Have a good night.





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Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@jaxs mom Three fifty eight for that two inch wide bag... and one picture of it in one color available to view... For obvious reasons, I didn't want to say anything 'over there' but really, WHAT is the draw... I guess it just escapes me... 



The dimensions just don't make any sense to me. Why would anyone want a handbag that is 17x15 and only 2 inches "wide"? I guess it would work as a laptop bag. Or you could line up your items in single file row. But why 15 inches tall/deep then? I really don't care if anyone else buys it, but it won't be coming to my house. And yes, 300+ dollars for a QVC house brand? I think not. 

@jaxs mom and @stevieb   what bag are you talking about?  What ever it is I agree that 17 x 15 x 2  makes no sense.

It's the GILI foldover tote

Thanks @jaxs mom  .. Is it this one?  If so I can understand what you mean... makes no sense.


Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 9.07.26 PM.png

Yea that's it. 

Don't Change Your Authenticity for Approval
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Re: Adventures of the Handbag Sisterhood... The Saga Continues

@jaxs mom wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@jaxs mom Three fifty eight for that two inch wide bag... and one picture of it in one color available to view... For obvious reasons, I didn't want to say anything 'over there' but really, WHAT is the draw... I guess it just escapes me... 



The dimensions just don't make any sense to me. Why would anyone want a handbag that is 17x15 and only 2 inches "wide"? I guess it would work as a laptop bag. Or you could line up your items in single file row. But why 15 inches tall/deep then? I really don't care if anyone else buys it, but it won't be coming to my house. And yes, 300+ dollars for a QVC house brand? I think not. 

@jaxs mom and @stevieb   what bag are you talking about?  What ever it is I agree that 17 x 15 x 2  makes no sense.

It's the GILI foldover tote

Thanks @jaxs mom  .. Is it this one?  If so I can understand what you mean... makes no sense.


Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 9.07.26 PM.png

Yea that's it. 

That bag is shaped like it's designed to hold legal pads, LOL.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~