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We just put up a hummingbird feeder a week ago and got a lot of hb's but now everytime a hb lands on it, another one chases it off. He sits up in a tree and waits to chase off any other hb.

I didn't know they do that because I've seen more than one hb at time at a feeder. Is this common?

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Yes, it is normal. Mine chase each other away all the time.
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I think it is common, especially if 2 females or 2 males are staking out territory. I've only had one pair at a time at my feeder, and they are never really together for feeding. My sister on the other hand, always gets a small group who compete for feeder space.

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This is very common. I love to watch them. Sometimes they feed together other times they must be in a bad mood because they don't want to to do anything but chase each other away!!!

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Are you in California? Cause I have been hearing on the news about a new type of hummingbird which has invaded So cal and is chasing away the normal hummingbirds... They are larger than the normal ones...
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Yes, I'm in So.Calif.

Interesting info ... I hadn't heard about that. It just so weird because that hb stays up in that tree stalking the feeder and he's very aggressive.{#emotions_dlg.sad} Our neighbors to the side and behind us have feeders and probably more than I know of so you'd think he wouldn't be so greedy.

Do they say where they're coming from?

I got a pic of him Image result for aggressive hummingbird {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Hummingbirds from Lucifer! If they are now in So. CA, they'll soon be up here.
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They are very aggressive little birds. I have three feeders, one outside my bedroom where only two feed from and two in the front. I notice that when the evening comes and its time to fill their bellies up for the night, they allow each other space, but during the day they are very territorial.

I live in Southern California and mine never seem to leave and even though I know that some will leave and others are coming from other places, I leave a feeder out all the time so they can stop on their journey. You must remember to change the feeder every couple of days. I make my own nectar. I boil the water and make a very sweet solution to last a few days and dilute it with boiled (chilled in the ref rig of course)

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@stillamn8r. I have searched all over the internet for anything about that and cannot find anything. Are you certain?