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sparrows dive bombing hummingbirds???

We've got 2 hummingbird feeders outside the picture window of our family room. 


Sometimes some sparrows dive bomb the hummingbirds.  We've never seen that before.  The sparrows don't try get on the feeders and there are no nests anywhere near the feeders. 


Anyone ever seen anything like this?  It's so weird.

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Re: sparrows dive bombing hummingbirds???

@Mary Bailey wrote:

We've got 2 hummingbird feeders outside the picture window of our family room. 


Sometimes some sparrows dive bomb the hummingbirds.  We've never seen that before.  The sparrows don't try get on the feeders and there are no nests anywhere near the feeders. 


Anyone ever seen anything like this?  It's so weird.

I put up a hummer feeder but no siting.  We have tons of sparrows and they seemed agreesive this year.  I always put nuts out in a special spot on our front porch for the chipmunks and I have seen the sparrows trying to cause a rucus by stealing the nuts.  

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: sparrows dive bombing hummingbirds???

We did see the sparrows dive bomb another sparrow. Momma sparrow was taking food back to the bird house about 7 PM. She was taking food back to her nest. And she was dive bombed by at least 2 other sparrows. Guess they wanted the food. All the sparrows had to do was go back to the bird feeder. There was plenty of food. But they wanted to dive bomb Momma sparrow.



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Re: sparrows dive bombing hummingbirds???

I've never seen any other birds bothering the hummers. They're busy enough fighting with one another. The little stinkers are so territorial. 

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: sparrows dive bombing hummingbirds???

Haven't seen any other birds bothering the hummingbirds.   Sometimes there's a bee on the feeder, and the bee may try chase off the hummingbird.  I also keep a fly/bee, insect trap nearby filled with diluted apple juice...I get some flies in it, or yellow's a help.