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Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

Last year I had to change the sugar water every two days.  This year we have only one or two hummingbirds.  Any idea what happened?  We have just a couple neighbors in a wooded area, both of them stopped feeding this year.  One would think they would all come to our house, but they just cleared out. 

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

 I don't know where you live but they have not come to my area yet.  They should be here in the next couple weeks.

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

We have them almost all year!  They ave been ziping around our yard enforce for a while  They are just too precious

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

 have heen wondering the same thing. I live in N.C and only have about 4. Last year at this time I counted at least 15! I miss them, they are so fun to watch!

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

Strange I came across this thread ~ just this morning I was thinking that last year and the year before we had tons of hummingbirds.  This year we still have a good amount but nowhere near what we had.  This is also true for the rest of the birds ~ we had quite a few unusual migrating birds this past Spring but years past ~ you couldn't pull me away from the window!  I hope this isn't a bad sign for the birds...


By the way, I'm in Illinois.  :-)

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

I wonder if climate change is causing them to seek cooler places, maybe in higher altitudes?  Everytime I've been to high Colorado in the summer, there have been swarms of them, like maybe 15-20 at a single feeder constantly.  Given a choice, that's certainly what I would do.

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

They were later and fewer coming to my area. I thought that maybe the weather conditions were different for them this year than what is normal for them. I also wondered if those grackle birds har anything to do with it. I never had those black birds around here and this year they ate through my suet cakes and scared all the songbirds away for about a month. They are finally gone and the songbirds and hummingbirds are here.

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

Hummingbirds are pretty feisty little creatures,I don't think the Grackles scared them away.  We put the suet cakes out year round,the woodpeckers looove them. I have about the same amount of hummingbirds as last year here in the Chicago burbs.  But climate change is affecting everything. 

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Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎04-05-2010

Re: Where have all my hummingbirds gone?

I have plants that attract hummingbirds, and I also bought a nice feeder for them from a botanical garden. In the 8 months since I put it out, I have never had one hummer come to it that I have seen. Do they prefer plants as a natural source? My friend in Palm Springs has scores of hummngbirds on her feeders. In fact, I saw so many hummers ln Palm Springs that it surprised me.