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I have 1 tomato plant in a pot.have several yellow flowers,but then flowers dry out,hence no tomato.i do have 1 LG tomato,but it has yet to turn pink.maybe I'm to impatient.i truly have babies this plant from the start.i bring it in at because I have critters who like to dig up flowers and plants.any suggestions would be appreciated

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@Luvsmyfam Many tomato plants drop flowers when it gets up into the mid and higher 90-degree range.  It might be that.  Call your county extension office and they will help!

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I did tomatoes in a pot one year.  I think they do much better in the ground.  Nothing really eats them much at this stage, except those creepy green tomato worms that turn into hummingbird moths, so you do have to watch out for those and pick them off if you see them. 


Just full sun for at least 6 hours a day, water when dry, and feed with a little Miracle Grown every other week. I swear by Miracle Grow. In my area of the country I don't get ripe tomatoes until the middle of August and later, but they continue into October until frost.  You may have little baby tomatoes where the blossoms have fell off.  It takes them a few days to a week to be noticeable. 

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if u are bringing in the plant - the temp change may be traumatizing


good luck

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Registered: ‎11-26-2019
I wouldn't bring it in,but the critters get into everything
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i think peppermint oil detracts a lot of critters

drop some on a cotton ball and place on lid jar


i have not used it myself - squirrels go and dig out my bulbs


critters will go after the plant? thought it would be the fruit

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I have a squirrel problem .They are in to everything .I have tomatoes in pots and have netting over them .I use the k-cups coffee around them as squirrels are sensitive to smells .

I found my newly planted rhubarb had stems pulled so I put chicken wire around it .

Also they ate 1 of my lily bulbs so I put chicken wire over them .And the lilies are now flowering .

My newly planted lawn from seed was getting dug up by them and I found they do not like balloons .So a few balloons around kept them at bay 

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I would not be bringing the plant inside unless there's danger of high winds, hail, etc.   Tomato plants need a steady supply of heat, light and water, and a change in any of those 3 can cause the blossoms to drop off the plant.


If the plant is growing tall, it needs a stake for support.  You also want to keep growth going into the main plant, so pinch off any sucker leaves that form near the main branches.   


We never just grow one tomato plant; always two or more.  I encourage tomato lovers who grow in pots to choose a cherry tomato plant and a slicer size tomato plant.  

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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

I have 1 tomato plant in a pot.have several yellow flowers,but then flowers dry out,hence no tomato.i do have 1 LG tomato,but it has yet to turn pink.maybe I'm to impatient.i truly have babies this plant from the start.i bring it in at because I have critters who like to dig up flowers and plants.any suggestions would be appreciated

I bought 3 cherry tomatoes in one hanging basket, from my garden center. I don't hang it, just sat it in the porch. This dry ,,hot weather I water it twice a day, and I just have more little tomatoes, than I can use.Even giving them away. I like to put them in a skillet, with O/O, garlic. heat ,add cooked spegetti, lots of black pepper, and cheese when it's heated . So good. Sit it up on a stool if it's in a pot.

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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

I have 1 tomato plant in a pot.have several yellow flowers,but then flowers dry out,hence no tomato.i do have 1 LG tomato,but it has yet to turn pink.maybe I'm to impatient.i truly have babies this plant from the start.i bring it in at because I have critters who like to dig up flowers and plants.any suggestions would be appreciated

2 summers ago for convenience I kept one cherry tomato plant on our screened in porch.  There were always multiple yellow flowers but they never produced tomatoes.  Our agriculture extension specialist told me I needed 2 plants assure fertilization. The past 2 summers I've kept 2 plants on the porch.  Sure enough, there have been a lot of tomatoes.