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This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

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Over the past two weeks I've removed six wasp nests from the door frames of my two cars. This has never happened to me. I've never seen a wasp entering my car, but a few times they've tried to stop me from getting in the car. They're not really aggressive, but I don't want to get stung. 


I've tried explaining to them that there's better places for nest building, but they don't listen. I have no idea what to do. 


Has anyone experienced this? Could climate change be a factor? What repels wasps that would be safe to have inside a car?



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Re: This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

Wow - have never heard of that before.  I googled it and these were the answers that came up 


  1. The heat from the car draws the wasps
  2. The odor from the car (sweet smells)
  3. The location where you parked the car
  4. The bright color of your car draws the wasps
  5. There might be a dead insect on the car tires or inside the car
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Re: This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

I am heading to Home Depot today to buy wasp traps.  Between wasps and yellow jackets it is difficult to sit on our deck.  A few have gotten inside as well but they are now "gone."  I waited all winter to sit outside so I need to have them gone too.  There appears to be more than usual for our area as well.  

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Re: This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

@PickyPicky3 , I have birdhouses all over the gardens here.  DH was working in the garden and got close to one.  He was swarmed by wasps and stung several times.  Since then. I have duct taped the openings and the birdhouses are decorative only when  they are located where we must work.


Every year they try to take up,residence in the pit lights at our front door entrance.  We spray annually.  I am allergic so I try to keep an eye on activity.  


Never heard of them in a car!  LM

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Re: This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

I read online that spraying peppermint oil where the wasps build the nests may help. At least it's non-toxic and smells nice. Got some last night.


There actually are ads for insecticides that say it's OK to spray in your car. Not for me or my wasps.

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Re: This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

I'm very allergic to any kind of insect sting and I mentioned this to my doctor. She told me, don't wear any scent when you're outdoors. I tried that and it really works.

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Re: This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

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You must have encountered "paper wasp" which arent very aggresive unless you destroy their nest...BE CAREFUL!!!!..They are a real problem here in South Texas....Every year they attempt to build their nests on my shaded patio....Ive had to knock down several nests they started to build.(I do that with a broom when I dont see them around)..they even attempted a nest in the doorway of my storage room off my patio---I think they are looking for shady spots with all of this intense recore breaking heat we are having.........


But what's weird I've never heard of them trying to build a nest IN A CAR!!!!---SMH!!!


I dont use insecticide since my cats could track it on their paws and lick their feet when they wash...---There's "fake nests" you can buy and hang up that signals "this area is taken" and supposedly keep wasps away...but not practical for a might try throwing water on your car but be careful!

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Re: This Year's Surprise From Mother Nature

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@Spurt  I think you nailed it. I googled paper wasp and there's a northern paper wasp that's found here. Apparently they like to build nests where there are vibrations, where people walk on decks, near a window that's opened and closed frequently, etc. My two cars are old -- lots of vibration. 


Now why would wasp parents want vibration for their nests? So the babies would never feel they're alone? The sound of their wings vibrating?


****There's only a wasp mom. Wasp dad dies over the winter.