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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Something is eating my flowers

At my house in the woods rabbits and deer.  That is why I am very careful the flowers I buy.  Some are deer resistant. Not sure about rabbit resistant.  I am the one who planted 250 tulips only to watch all of them eaten right in front of me one morning by cute little rabbits.  I had no weapons of mass destruction so I had to take the loss. 

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Posts: 1,437
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Something is eating my flowers

I have a rabbit problem here in FL, and best deterrent I've found is a really old time fertilizer called milorganite.  My dad used to apply it some 75 years ago, but it's still available. Last bag I bought was at Lowes about 4 years ago for about $9.....bag is large and heavy and lasts a long time. You can just scatter the granules willy nilly everywhere because it's completely non burning and it's great for everything from grass to shrubs to flowers. Wildlife hates it because it's made from sewage. I don't mind the odor at at all, smells like a farm to me and smell dissipates quickly. Rabbits especially hate it, yay!  Other things that are helpful if you're lucky are Liquid Fence and peppermint oil spray, both on Amazon, but I think you'll get best results with milorganite. Critters hate anything that has a human smell. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 608
Registered: ‎10-11-2010

Re: Something is eating my flowers

My husband installed a cheaper trail camera in hopes of determining what was eating my flowers. 


We had been using cayanne, but forgot last night. I did not replant the tastey double impatients, but one had survived in the VegTRug and it was gone this morning.


Raider in Front Yard copy[3065].jpg

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Posts: 14,827
Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: Something is eating my flowers

@Luv_My_Beagle   Good for you for installing a trail cam.  I should be so clever.  When your plants are being eaten, the trick is determining who or what is doing it - whether deer, rabbits, slugs, or insects.  It can be frustrating, as I well know.