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Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

If you buy fertilizer for your annuals, what have you purchased that has worked well?  Years ago, everyone would purchase Miracle Grow.  Is that what everyone still uses or is there something else you would recommend.


I planted some annuals and they look like they could use "a little help".


Thank you!!!

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Re: Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

my husband uses miracle grow, crystals he puts in water. Some times he has used bloom boost, too. he has the green thumb so i don't know why/what he uses when.

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Re: Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

[ Edited ]

I don't have a lot of experience with annuals but I do plant a few each year.  I use Miracle-Gro Plant Food; it's probably as good as anything.

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Re: Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

I use organic fertilizer from a company called Espoma.   They have all different kinds - Rose-tone, Plant-tone, flower-tone and many others.   Just google the name.   I buy this product at my local Agway store.


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Re: Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

I don't think you can beat good, old-fashioned Miracle Grow.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

If you are into gardening, look it up and read about it.  Your state ag college will have information.  It's not so much the brand it's the numbers:


Fertilizers have three numbers on the label indicating the ratio of each nutrient, or N-P-K ratio. The first number is for nitrogen (N), which increases leaf production. The second is for phosphorus (P), which promotes fruiting and flowering, and the third is for potassium (K), which promotes hardiness and is essential to the metabolic process. These three elements are critical in supporting any plant's health.


You need to think about the plants you have and do some research to see what ratio they need.  It works!  

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Re: Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

@BunSnoop  I used to use Miracle Gro, but now I use Jack's.

I think it works very well. I usually water my hanging annuals about once per week when they are really growing. The annuals in the ground get a feeding about once every two weeks, but they would probably do better with feeding more often. I started using Jack's because my locall garden supply store, and the local farmer's markets in Lancaster, stock it. They also sell it at a much lower price than online.

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Re: Recommendations Please: Plant Fertilizer for Annuals

[ Edited ]

I've been using M80380 Barbara King Better Blossom Booster Plant Fertilizer with good results.  The only thing I noticed is that I paid $33 for 4 lbs. in 2020 and this year it is the same price, $33, but for 3 lbs. -- 25% less.