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Registered: ‎06-14-2018

Re: Raised Beds for Vegetables

Definitely would recommend a raised bed for certain veggies. I grew kale one year and it was doing so well! Imagine my shock one morning when I went outside and there was nothing left! I’m assuming it was rabbits that ate it all, but who knows? 😫
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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

Re: Raised Beds for Vegetables

@gardenman   Yes, how could I forget about peas!  The early ones are best too.  We still put out our peas at 2 different times so we'll have a few more later in the season.

If she does decide to plant some peas, she'll need to make sure she has a fence or trellis of some sort for them to grow on.


Green beans is another favorite around here.