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Registered: ‎07-18-2015


I took 4 cloves of a garlic head that I bought in the 99 cent store and on a whim, planted them in my small back yard garden. It was so simple.

I didn't realize til later that  the tag on the garlic bag  showed that they came from Spain and were  already 1 year old.

Wow, 4 days later, the cloves  actually sent up small stems.

I think I might get garlic bulbs in spite of their age. I am wondering if anyone here has planted garlic cloves and how long before you were able to harvest garlic bulbs to use. My weather is moderate to warm coastal.

Maybe next time I plant garlic, I'll try elephant garlic and certainly not aged cloves.

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Posts: 21,404
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


From the internet:


Hardneck garlic matures well in warm weather while softness matures well in the cold. But, it usually takes 9 months for garlic to grow fully.Garlic is being planted in fall so that by winter, the cloves will start to grow into bulbs. It takes at least forty days for cloves to form bulbs if the temperature is less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Posts: 34,911
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


@Desertdi wrote:

From the internet:


Hardneck garlic matures well in warm weather while softness matures well in the cold. But, it usually takes 9 months for garlic to grow fully.Garlic is being planted in fall so that by winter, the cloves will start to grow into bulbs. It takes at least forty days for cloves to form bulbs if the temperature is less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

@Desertdi Yes you are right.  We planted in the fall, harvested in July or so as I remember!