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Novice Gardener Here~Questions Regarding Planting Herbs and Also From Seeds

Want to make a little herb pot garden with three herbs only, and the ceramic planter is long, about 12" wide, but not deep, about 4 inches deep.


I figured I could do parsley, chives, maybe basil (but I think that needs more root room and is pretty prolific)



Do unopened seeds dry out, go bad, have an expiration date?

I have some unopened parsley seeds I bought probably 3 years ago at least!


Also was going to ask about depth of soil for roots, but I Googled it...looks like chives are ok in 4" soil, parsley/basil may need up to 12".

I'm trying to use this pot just for herbs so if anyone has any other suggestions for herbs in this pot, or has had success with little window boxes/herbs, pls share. Thanks! 


I'd be at the garden store asking these questions now, but can't leave the house right now, as people are working here, so I figured I'd ask!



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Re: Novice Gardener Here~Questions Regarding Planting Herbs and Also From Seeds

I don't know about exact seed expiration dates. But I would just buy small plants. If you plant seeds now, It's going to take 6 -8 weeks to get any usable herbs! 
And a 4" deep pot is gonna be tough to have successful growth. It's possible but not ideal.  Best wishes and hope this helps. 

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Re: Novice Gardener Here~Questions Regarding Planting Herbs and Also From Seeds

@amyb  I usually plant already established herbs. If I'm starting seeds, I do it inside in early spring. However, if seeds are what you have, go for it. I don't think 4 inches is deep enough for almost anything, but you never know. The seed packets usually have an expiration date on them and it is usually the current year. After that, the chance of germination goes down, but is not impossible.

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Re: Novice Gardener Here~Questions Regarding Planting Herbs and Also From Seeds

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@amyb  I usually plant already established herbs. If I'm starting seeds, I do it inside in early spring. However, if seeds are what you have, go for it. I don't think 4 inches is deep enough for almost anything, but you never know. The seed packets usually have an expiration date on them and it is usually the current year. After that, the chance of germination goes down, but is not impossible.

@PA Mom-mom Thanks for your response...and it is exactly what I discerned from all my Googling of it too. I've always done herbs from established plants, and also the few times I did anything from seeds, I too started them earlier & indoors. Since it's so late in the season, I decided I'm going to buy the plants this time. 


When I posted this I was just going through all my collected, and still unopened seed packets, looking at dates and wondering what I should toss and keep.


I also agree with you...4" is not great for most plants...I'll probably do herbs in something else. I was just wanting to use that planter and didn't need another flower one...but most flowers have done fine in it. Although, the reason I always think of this for herbs, is that often I'll see in a catalog or store a little kitchen window sill herb container, and they are long like this and not too deep; cute but who knows how well the plants actually grow in them.


Google is kind of all over the map on the seed thing, but my consensus was...some seeds last longer than others, most say up to the end of the "sell by" year on the packet, however many will still be viable up to 5 years, sometimes longer. Some are definitely ONLY good for a year. You can put them in water...if they sink, they're probably ok, if they float to the top (probably dried out) they are gone. At any rate...I tossed some real old ones, some that were opened a while ago, and kept some, but next year I'll try them earlier in pots and see if anything works. Last year I did some lettuces from these packets that did grow.


Tks again.

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Re: Novice Gardener Here~Questions Regarding Planting Herbs and Also From Seeds


We store our seed packets, open and unopened, in the freezer.