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New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

I am very inexperienced in gardening. I purchased some annuals on Saturday.  I was so pleased with my work.  Then today we had rough thunderstorms and almost all my flower petals fell off.  What do I do now???  Will the flowers bloom again and what steps should I take to be successful.


I am new to this so don't laugh, all suggestions no matter how minor will be appreciated.



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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

I am sorry to hear this happened to you. Mine got hit by hail and then hard rain. If you clip the battered and torn ones off they will come back and bloom again. Just give them a couple of days to get dried out and then water them again. When blooms die you are suppose to do what is called dead heading. You pull the dead blooms off and then new ones come on. You do that all season long and that is what keeps them blooming.

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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

My experience with pansies, petunias, impatiens and marigolds has been that they will take a beating and bounce back.   

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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

@RedTop wrote:

My experience with pansies, petunias, impatiens and marigolds has been that they will take a beating and bounce back.   

My "problem" was always with the bunnies!    (But, I always felt sorry for them because they were so hungry!)

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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

Don't worry, they will be fine.  Hail, on the other hand, can really do a job on garden plants.

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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???


Thank you so much!!!

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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

Truth be told, they'll be fine with you doing nothing. Annuals are tough little plants. They'll be back flowering within a few days. I don't recommend deadheading or pruning for an inexperienced gardener since I've known a few who would deadhead flower buds that weren't open yet thinking they were spent blooms and then lamenting the lack of flowers. Annuals are great in that you can just plop them down and largely forget them. A bit of water on dry days, and they'll be fine.

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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

I agree. Just give them a few days and they will revive. I wouldn't deadhead until someone shows you how to do it. Find a neighbor to help or look on YouTube. Good luck and don't give up! LM
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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

Ladies, thank you so much, I just watched a great youtube video and it was so helpful.  Here is the link -- //


Name of Video: How to Keep your Petunias Looking Full and Flowering


Poster: PlantzNThings 



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Re: New Gardener..thunderstorms ruined annuals now what???

[ Edited ]

@Happiness Is Inside JOB, glad you got the info you were looking for.  As an aside, we are not all ladies here.


 Gardenman is a male and has been posting here for years.  He has a wealth of info about gardening, growing from seeds, as well as a multitude of other knowledge!  


Happy gardening!