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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: My garden is toast...literally



By the way, have you seen a new commercial for...Terminex, I think..? It's funny. very smart, and the actor playing the Terminex employee is cute and funny and a real hunk. He's tall, looks like he's in great shape, and his facial features can only be described a "chizeled".


He takes the role very seriously and that's why the ad is so comical. I'd like to know who he is and i think the could be a terrific comedian and/or actor if he decides to persue that kind of career.

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Posts: 1,234
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My garden is toast...literally

Another PA gal here.  I would be happy to share our daily downpours.  Humidity also has been stifling.  This has been a terrible summer.  As someone else suggested:  can you water a bit after dusk so your plants survive and so you do not waste water?