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My Hummingbird Mint

[ Edited ]

Honestly, I'm posting this here so I don't attempt to strangle my husband.


I hear the trimmer going and went out to check the progress.  Let me just say it was overdue.


Don't you know he decided that my hummingbird mint is a "weed" and whacks it down.  I have been nursing those plants along for WEEKS and this one he "trimmed" was finally getting ready to flower.


To say I am angry is an understatment.  I let loose on him for a good 5 minutes.  I know he didn't mean to do it, but, nevertheless, I was furious.


Seriously, this is why I don't try to grow ANYTHING.


Just spitting mad Cat Mad

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Too bad, the birds would have loved it.


A friend puts little cute decorations on little poles on things are not to be touched.

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I am so sorry @Witchy Woman ....I'm sure he didn't mean to destroy your precious mint. Frustrating event....what you can do it put it in perspective.  No one was irreparable harmed .  I would start immediately to plant more, and since he mowed it perhaps he can help with the planting. Or perhaps he could buy you mature plants rather than starting at seedlings.   Let us know how it is always full of vagaries.  Love you for planting for the Hummingbirds!

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Have never heard of hummingbird mint and will be googling it. How frustrating for you. 

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I don't think he took it all the way to the ground, so perhaps it will recover.  


These are QVC plants and there were 4 of them, so he only beheaded this one because "it was so tall."


Yes, it will blow over, but I'm still fuming.


I had been protecting these plants for weeks, so it was even more annoying.  

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Nor had I.  QVC sold these Cottage Farm plants this year.


The plants are hard to find locally, and you can get seed, but...I was thrilled to have established roots.  Seeds take forever.


Maybe by summer's end it will make a return.  The plants will come back, so there's hope.

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@Witchy Woman    Why don't you put some markers on things he should avoid....or do the trimming yourself?

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@Witchy Woman  I'm with you! DH used to just go crazy when he had the weed whacker. Now, he checks with me. It took 40 years or so. Now to keep him from spraying weed killer when it's windy!

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@Witchy Woman 


Off topic and I apologize, but I have to tell you that everytime I see your posts, I think of your namesake by the Eagles, LOL!


And your birthday is on Halloween right?


Eagles-Witchy Woman(Live) 10/19/21The Forum - YouTube

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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@Witchy Woman wrote:

Honestly, I'm posting this here so I don't attempt to strangle my husband.


I hear the trimmer going and went out to check the progress.  Let me just say it was overdue.


Don't you know he decided that my hummingbird mint is a "weed" and whacks it down.  I have been nursing those plants along for WEEKS and this one he "trimmed" was finally getting ready to flower.


To say I am angry is an understatment.  I let loose on him for a good 5 minutes.  I know he didn't mean to do it, but, nevertheless, I was furious.


Seriously, this is why I don't try to grow ANYTHING.


Just spitting mad Cat Mad

I would be too. tell him to start asking what things are before he goes Ape----.