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$80 for a bird feeder???  Come on, Martha.  Her prices are ridiculous on almost all of the items she slaps her name on, but this is just too much.

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Re: Martha Stewart Bird Feeder

As a bird feeder collector, (I won't even tell the crazy number I own) I don't see this price too outlandish for what it's made of. I personally don't like this style, but I've seen other company's without Martha's name charge even more. I like handcrafted wood bird feeders and so do my wild birds. I've seen birds reject the metal styles in favor of wood or plastic ones. I have a decorative feeder that was my sister's and all it does is hang on a hook and look pretty - as the birds never touched it. I admit I've spent more $$ than I should on a bird feeder I love, but when I watch my birds hop all around, eating and singing and bringing me joy, it's worth it. 🐦

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Re: Martha Stewart Bird Feeder

$80.00 is ridiculous.  I bought two feeders similar to Martha's for my mom at the end of the season last year for less than $20.00 for both @Peoplearenuts

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Re: Martha Stewart Bird Feeder

I purchase all my bird feeding supplies from a local independent.  That includes bird feeders.  While Martha's isn't practical for my needs. given the material, style, etc., that price would compare with similar prices that I see.  However, I thought Marthat's was more appropriate for an indoor decorative use.  Very pretty, but not practical, IMHO.

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Re: Martha Stewart Bird Feeder

Nice ones can be found at craft fairs for a lot less.

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Re: Martha Stewart Bird Feeder

Yes, it's expensive - probably because of the copper.  Martha said she has 125 species of birds in her yard - due, at least in part, to this feeder, which the birds love.  It's too rich for me, but to each his own!

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Re: Martha Stewart Bird Feeder

I shop at Wild Birds in my area. Prices aren't much different for feeders and other accessories.

I get my seed on auto delivery from Amazon.

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Re: Martha Stewart Bird Feeder

Cracked me up when I saw this birdfeeder presented.  I have a 'copper' roofed birdfeeder hanging in my yard (the birds do love it!) - but I purchased mine at Big Lots for about $10.


@KitTkat- you're not alone.  I have a huge collection of feeders all over my yard.  The birds don't seem to care if they're plastic, wood, or metal.  If they have seed in them, they'll land and eat.

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt