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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

I would stop at the office or service center of the store where you saw them & ask. When we have them, we have people stop & ask & we let them take them.

I think most places would want you to ask first though.

Any place I have worked gave them away unless they were keeping them to re-use.

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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

yes, I asked the garden center people first and they said take as many as you want

I'm done with P.C. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier.
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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

Thanks ya'll.

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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

So, how is everyones garden doing???

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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

Right now, the hydrangeas, roses, and daylilies, some salvias, geraniums, coneflowers, rudbeckias, dianthus, cala lilies, and daisies are blooming up a storm, and before long, the hardy asters will join the party.   The lavender is just beginning to bloom, along with more salvias.


In the next few weeks, irises will arrive, so I will be planting those, and dividing the rest of the irises that I have.


A few months ago, we dug up a continuing blooming rose that had been planted over twenty years ago, and I noticed that it looked as if it were dying, so I put it in a large pot, and today, it is a large bush blooming away.  It must have had a lot of pent up energy in it's cramped place, poor thing, so am happy that it survived.


I will be preparing a sweet pea bed soon.  My Mother always grew these, and one year, I had the most fantastic plot of these in all colors, doubles, etc., as I sent away for many types.  I have been dreaming of having them again, and the other day, believe it or not, I found one vine in a completely different area from where I planted them fifteen years ago, with a few flowers, so I cut them and brought them inside, and walked around sniffing them, lol, such a marvelous fragrance. I will plant them in the fall to bloom in spring, hopefully.


How is your garden, chili?

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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

Your gardens sound beautiful mousegirl.


My flowers look beautiful, the ones in my many, many planters & in the ground.


The vegetable garden is struggling. We have had so little sun & so much rain that everything is behind. I don't know if I will EVER get tomatoes.


The only things looking really well are the jalapenos & chili peppers which is kind of ironic huh??? LOL!

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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

@ChiliPepper wrote:

Your gardens sound beautiful mousegirl.


My flowers look beautiful, the ones in my many, many planters & in the ground.


The vegetable garden is struggling. We have had so little sun & so much rain that everything is behind. I don't know if I will EVER get tomatoes.


The only things looking really well are the jalapenos & chili peppers which is kind of ironic huh??? LOL!

Due to our lack of rain, I didn't plant veges this year, and am hand watering and drip watering, very time consuming, but so worth it.  I grow some of the herbs that I use most often.


 If we ever get normal weather again, I would like to have a small vege garden in a raised box, which is how I had to grow them due to gophers, and when the wire in the bottoms of the boxes deteriorated, the buggers came up through the bottom of one and ate half of my two and a half foot basil plants, so I picked the rest, and spent the day processing it for the freezer to add to soups and sauces. I am constantly battling the elements, weather, and critters dining on whatever they can.



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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

I am over run with bunnies this year. Drives my cats crazy!


So cute but hungry little buggers!

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Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

@ChiliPepper wrote:

I am over run with bunnies this year. Drives my cats crazy!


So cute but hungry little buggers!

I am thinking that it is the bunnies who are eating my young rose bushes down to the nub, or rats, so I have to surroung the roses with wire cages until they are big enough to survive the nibbles.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I'm going to try a raised veggie garden this year.

I think it would be rabbits.



☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼