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I came across this on another site and thought it was worth reposting.😊20220601_033829.jpg

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

It's strange that people add red food coloring to their homemade nectar.

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

@Starpolisher I wasn't aware of this...thank you for the post.  

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

@ValuSkr wrote:

It's strange that people add red food coloring to their homemade nectar.

I've done it for years (50) amd it doesn't hurt the hummers. I put it there so I can see if my feeder is empty when I'm looking out the window. I have a lot visiting everyday, so I like to keep it filled. Where did you see this? If I thought it would hurt I'd stop it.

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

Thanks for posting this.  I've read this in the past also.  I only use white cane sugar to make my mix, very important for our little flying friends! 

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

Equally important is this year we were asked to not feed birds because of the bird flu. The birds are safer remaining in the wild and feeding in nature than congregating in large numbers around a single food source where they are more likely to be exposed and spread the disease.

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

@ValuSkr wrote:

It's strange that people add red food coloring to their homemade nectar.

When I fed hummingbirds I always added red food coloring to my feeders at the beginning of the season.  Because they're attracted to the color red, it was like a beacon for them.  Once they had been established feeders, I used only clear sugar solution since they knew where the feeders wer by then.



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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

Most hummingbird feeders have red in them.  That's enough to attract them.  I've even had a hummigbird check me out because I had a floral shirt on.  I've heard for years that you should only use white sugar and not to add food coloring to it.  


I've also read that it should still be okay to feed the hummingbirds this year even with the bird flu.

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

[ Edited ]

Don't ever use anything but sugar and water, they will lap it up.


Don't forget the clean the little hole tubes too.  I use pipe cleaners.


ETA. A friend who does fresh eggs was advised by TPTB that hummers are NOT a risk for bird flu.  He has two feeders 😁

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Re: Hummingbird lovers...PSA

Hummers don't need red food coloring at all!! and if your feeders are red why would you add unneeded chemicals ??? I have yellow and pink and purple flowers that they are attracted too---nothing red at all. Old wives tale alert!!!