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Growing Tomatoes in a Container

Last year I grew my tomatoes in a container.  But, I think I had blight.  Is there anyway to use the same soil?  Can I put anything in the soil to kill the blight spores, or do I have to empty the containers, bleach them, and put new soil in the containers?


Thanks for your help.

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Re: Growing Tomatoes in a Container

Why would you use contaminated dirt?  A bag of fresh soil = a few bucks.


Google "Blight - several conditions cause it.

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Re: Growing Tomatoes in a Container

No!  In fact, even if you're planting them in the ground, you should vary the location yearly.  If you use the sane container, scrub it with a bleach solution before reusing.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Growing Tomatoes in a Container

@wismiss  Ditto @Kachina624  and @fthunt  Get rid of that soil and use packaged potting soil or other clean soil. Take note of the bleach suggestion. I have been growing tomatoes in containers since I gave up my veggie garden. I always clean my containers with a weak bleach solution. Same for any stakes you plan to use for supporting the tomatoes.

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Re: Growing Tomatoes in a Container

By the way container growers, I saw the prettiest tomato cages at Home Depot this week in COLORS.  I'm not growing anything but those cages were so pretty I was tempted because one color choice was TURQUOISE!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
Posts: 63
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Growing Tomatoes in a Container

You have gotten some very good advice about growing tomatoes in the same container as last year.  I empty the old soil into a plastic bag and use it in my flower beds like mulch.  Last year when I was in a nursery I noticed they had tomato plants growing out of a bag of miracle grow plant soil.  This year I bought a 25 quart bag and placed it in a empty container to see if I could grow a tomato plant just in the bag.  This tomato plant is just as big and healthy as the other tomato plants.  I will admit it seems to need more water than the other plants.  This year I planted squash plants in a container used for tomatoes last year and the plants are doing fine in the old potting soil.  I am getting too old to plant in the ground.