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Something is burrowing through my back yard. I've had moles before so I know what their holes look like and this isn't the same. Could it be rabbits? My area is infested with them and I think it's illegal to kill them. Every once in a while someone rounds them up and sets them free in the forests. Doesn't work; they reproduce and come right back, probably with their offspring.

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I don't know if you have squirrels where you live, but we have tons of them!  I couldn't figure out at first what was digging the heck out of all my plants but I caught one in the act one day!  They dig and dig and bury their treats, such as peanuts, which I guess one of the neighbors must feed them.  I'm not saying that is what it is, but it could be.  They have made a mess out of all our potted plants, flowers and all the flowers we have planted in our yard!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@PuppyLoverBob666 We have a terrible time with Voles. They burrow and eat the roots of plants. Fast little buggers, too! 

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