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DH and I are having an argument about downspouts and burying below ground vs leaving on top of the grass.  I think it looks tacky to have them laying on top of the grass, I think they should be dug in just a bit below the grass.  We have plenty of material to keep the water away from the house.


I have TRIED to get two different people out to look at the job and quote the project, not one person has returned my call.  I am afraid we will have to do the job ourselves.  


We don't want to create an issue worse than we have now (which is the water was backing up to close to the we did add some dirt and graded the new dirt away from the foundation, which is a temporary fix...but we need the job to be done correctly.


Our city does not allow us to tap into the drain at the street level, so all water must go into the yard.


any advice? thanks,

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Our downspouts are above ground with about a two foot extension at the bottom to carry the water away from the foundation and out toward the grass.


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The kind of job you're talking about needs to be done when a home is built, so the runoff is tied into the outgoing drain line for a city situation, or a gray water/field drain for county, or rural.   


In our situation, we added an elbow joint to the downspout, with an extension piece to direct the water farther out into the yard where we wanted it to go.

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@On It   So I would assume when the yard is mowed you need to trim around the length of the downspout?...I can see my husband hitting them when he mows...and in time needing to replace the plastic pieces.

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@RedTop   We cannot tie into law.  All we can do is leave the product lay on top of the grass or bury in the ground.

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Exactly, you are any existing structure and cannot tie into a city line.   I assume you would have to get a city permit to dig down for installation of a pipe or line as well.   

If you go with the setup like ours, you can simply remove the extension gutter piece from the elbow joint when you mow grass, then put it back on when you're done.  Takes mere seconds.

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You can purchase "roll up" downspout extensions at the hardware store.   They only extend when water is running thru the downspouts.


♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Mom2Dogs Ours end just past the flowerbed. The grass is not beneath the downspout. There is a concrete-like piece that funnels the water to the grass.

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We would never bury ours. They do clog occasionally, and it would be very inconvenient if we had to dig just to unclog. Our gutters and downspouts need year round maintenance.

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@Caffeina   That is what my husband says, and while I agree, that's not what I want to do, but he is gonna win this one.


I might be able to convince him to add another piece that curves, that way the downspouts won't extend quite so far out (straight) into the side yard.