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Dove chicks have hatched. I've been waiting and watching and waiting and watching. Too short to make a count or take a photo, sorry. The nest is at the top of a patio column and has been in use for many years. Last year no birds nested and I was so happy to have one back this year. 


Several new quail families running though the yard as well.  I let the vegetation in the back yard overgrow so they have cover from the preditors. 

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I have one that's trying to nest on the light beside my front door and I wish it would go away.  Everytime I open the door, there's a mad flurry of flapping wings, and I don't want bird poop all over the place. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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How sweet, I love doves!


My 2 bluebird families have fledged their 5 babies each (2 boxes) and now we have a new family that has built a nest in one.....more BB babies soon!

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@Kachina624 My parents had a bird nest on a porch light one year.  The following year, to dissuade it from returning, my dad put a berry box over the light - the green kind - and it worked.  HTH

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@Kachina624 wrote:

I have one that's trying to nest on the light beside my front door and I wish it would go away.  Everytime I open the door, there's a mad flurry of flapping wings, and I don't want bird poop all over the place. 

@Kachina624   to prevent nests  we take a very large piece of foil and crumble it up then stretch it out & mold it over the light fixture. Make sure it's not flat on the light fixture, the more uneven the better.  

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@Mary Bailey    Thanks for the hint! 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I had a pair of white doves as pets for awhile---got a big wrought iron cage for them and a nest--those two were very prolific---let them hatch eggs 1 or 2 times when i knew i had people to give them too---babies are so ugly that they are too cute--all pink and wobbly--but after that, i got rid of the eggs after they were laid and  found fake eggs so birds would sit on them and not make whoopee---eventually had kids and no time to constantly clean up after them--they got a new home-----but was fun !!