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Re: Cottage Farms Question - My Blueberry Plants are coming soon - planting locations?

Tigriss, blueberries are not dioecious but monoecious (they contain both male and female parts). They need another blueberry plant different from themselves (in other words --2 cultivars are needed) for cross pollination and to increase the yield from your plants.

From this website

In this above article: Why indeed do apples, blueberries, plums and other fruits need another variety nearby in order to bear many fruit? According to University of Georgia horticulturist Mark Rieger, plants have evolved various strategies to insure their success. One of the best schemes is to reject pollen that comes from your own flowers and to favor pollen from strangers. This keeps the population broader genetically, ready for challenges brought on by climate change, new pests, etc.

Blueberry– plant at least two different varieties

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Cottage Farms Question - My Blueberry Plants are coming soon - planting locations?

On 4/20/2015 JustJazzmom said:

Tigriss, blueberries are not dioecious but monoecious (they contain both male and female parts). They need another blueberry plant different from themselves (in other words --2 cultivars are needed) for cross pollination and to increase the yield from your plants.

From this website

In this above article: Why indeed do apples, blueberries, plums and other fruits need another variety nearby in order to bear many fruit? According to University of Georgia horticulturist Mark Rieger, plants have evolved various strategies to insure their success. One of the best schemes is to reject pollen that comes from your own flowers and to favor pollen from strangers. This keeps the population broader genetically, ready for challenges brought on by climate change, new pests, etc.

Blueberry– plant at least two different varieties

You may want to argue that point with old school farmers who will be the first to refer to them as male and female.

You may also want to argue that it is recommended that the bushes will not produce real substantial fruit until the third year. The old farmers refer to the Bible for that one.