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Can you identify this plant?

It came up in a pot outside.  Really different.....What flower.jpg

Has tiny white flowers right at the stem.  TIA

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Re: Can you identify this plant?

@ZhillsIt looks like a weed to me. Hope someone can give you the plant's name.

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Re: Can you identify this plant?

Usually if it's growing rapidly, it's a weed. I can't see enough of the plant to do an ID.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Can you identify this plant?

My oldest son was a gardener for a few years and when I had something unknown pop up in my flower bed his explaination was......if you like it, it's a flower........if not, it's a weed.

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Re: Can you identify this plant?

@deeW wrote:

My oldest son was a gardener for a few years and when I had something unknown pop up in my flower bed his explaination was......if you like it, it's a flower........if not, it's a weed.

Can't believe this answer. IT'S PERFECT! I was just signing in to ask this VERY QUESTION! Our new house has the MOST beautiful acre of land, and in the spring, I felt as though I had a grasp on this, but with summer rain and summer sun, I've been AMBUSHED!

I just went outside and hacked away, and although I'm thrilled to rid my yard of this dubious foliage I also have terrible qualms about what I was hacking.

Tell your son I said "Thank You"!

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Re: Can you identify this plant?

I thought maybe it had been filler in an arrangement that got thrown out and just grew.  It is a perennial and comes back every year.  I have never seen this leaf configuration and can't find it on the internet.  Could have been imported with some other flowers for the floral shop??


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Re: Can you identify this plant?

Plant 1.jpg

Plant 2.jpg


Don't know why they are sideways!  I saved them straight.  Oh, well.

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Re: Can you identify this plant?

Yeah, seeing it that close up, it sure looks like a weed to me. I think I've pulled out similar plants on occasion. I even remember the white flower. The thing is, our forefathers took the best of these "weeds," cultivated them, and they became garden flowers.

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Re: Can you identify this plant?

Do you live in the South?  It reminds me of a form of Japanese clover that is common here.  If left alone, it could shape like a bush.

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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Re: Can you identify this plant?

I googled Japanese clover and, yes, the leaf formation is similar but not the plant limb pattern.  I'll try to get a picture of it.  


Even if it's a weed, it has a name.  It is growing in one pot with an aloe plant.  The tiny white flowers are at the base of a limb on the main stem.  Not on the end of limbs like normally happens.