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I've been starting bulbs at about 10 day intervals.  So far I've done 4.  They measure approximately 12", 10", 7", & 4".  Last week I saw the grocery store now has bulbs already planted for the same price they were selling the kit.  The store bought ones are about the same height as the ones I planted and have pretty print paper around the pots. I should have waited and saved the myself a mess of dirt.


Last year I had blooms Nov - Feb.

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Good for you!  It will be beautiful.  I think that some of the joy comes from doing the work.


What colors do you have?

Cogito ergo sum
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@Sweetbay magnolia

Based on the labels, 1 pink, 1 red, 1 stripe and 1 white.  I've learned not to count on (correct) color labels, so I may be surprised.

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Re: Amaryllis time

[ Edited ]

@lulu2Lovely!  I hear you though - labels can be wrong (I am a horticulturist).


I need to get a bulb or two and get growing.  And some paperwhites.

Cogito ergo sum
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I have one that grew over the summer...didn't flower, not that I expected it to.


I just had last year's bulb that I dumped into a bucket with some deadheaded debris, left it there for a few weeks, then dumped the bucket onto a pile in the woods.  The bulb looked so alive, I decided to stick it in a pot of dirt.  I didn't expect it to do anything.  But it put up a couple of "leaves."


So what do I do now?  Cut it back?  Stop watering?  Any way it will bloom this winter?

Keepin' it real.
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Today I realized, the 2 bulbs that are the tallest, have no buds. Smiley Sad It's nothing but a lot of foliage.  The 2 smaller plants have a visible bud.

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@lulu2 wrote:

I've been starting bulbs at about 10 day intervals.  So far I've done 4.  They measure approximately 12", 10", 7", & 4".  Last week I saw the grocery store now has bulbs already planted for the same price they were selling the kit.  The store bought ones are about the same height as the ones I planted and have pretty print paper around the pots. I should have waited and saved the myself a mess of dirt.


Last year I had blooms Nov - Feb.



Two of the grocery store bought ones (@ $4.99) are blooming.  One has 6 blooms on 1 stalk and 2 smaller stalks.  The other has 4 blooms just beginning to bloom with another smaller stalk.  One plant is orange, the other is red.


The ones I planted are no taller than they were a few weeks ago.

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Re: Amaryllis time

[ Edited ]

A neighbor of mine left one outside our front door the other day. Dealing with cancer and it was a thoughtful gift. So two bulbs sitting on top of dirt. She placed a few pinecones on top of the dirt too, looks cute. Stalks are about 6-8 inches high. So how do I care for this plant. Never had one before. Each stalk has a good size bulb on it. Would love for it to bloom.

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@luvdoodles wrote:

A neighbor of mine left one outside our front door the other day. Dealing with cancer and it was a thoughtful gift. So two bulbs sitting on top of dirt. She placed a few pinecones on top of the dirt too, looks cute. Stalks are about 6-8 inches high. So how do I care for this plant. Never had one before. Each stalk has a good size bulb on it. Would love for it to bloom.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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We always got my m-i-l an amaryllis "kit" for Christmas. She so loved to grow things.