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zappos.....on any rebate sites?

does anyone know if zappos is on any of the rebate sites?


i know they are NOT on mr rebates, ebates, and retailmenot. was hoping to get a little cash back or discount. i am trying to buy the rebecca minkoff blythe tote in black.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: zappos.....on any rebate sites?

I haven't seen them on ANY of the sites for a long, long time.

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Re: zappos.....on any rebate sites?

I don't think Zappos would participate in any rebate sites. They don't even give out discount codes because they offer free shipping and free return shipping.


Amazon has it for the same price. Revolve has it for cheaper.

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Re: zappos.....on any rebate sites?

@TTerri wrote:

I don't think Zappos would participate in any rebate sites. They don't even give out discount codes because they offer free shipping and free return shipping.


Amazon has it for the same price. Revolve has it for cheaper.



thanks @TTerri. i checked out revolve, but they have it at $222, which is more than zappos or amazon.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: zappos.....on any rebate sites?

You're welcome. Unless I'm looking at the wrong listings, the one you want is $235 at Zappos and Amazon, right? 



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Re: zappos.....on any rebate sites?

@TTerri wrote:

You're welcome. Unless I'm looking at the wrong listings, the one you want is $235 at Zappos and Amazon, right? 






WOW......just this morning it was 205.99 on both amazon AND zappos. it is now 235.99 on those sites.  looks like i may have to go with revolve. hmmmmmm i guess a lot of sites play the pricing game, not just qvc. i would get 5% cash back if i ordered from amazon. i would get 10% off if i order from revolve.


thank you again!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Registered: ‎02-20-2011

Re: zappos.....on any rebate sites?

You're welcome. If the price drops after you purchase it (check every day) contact them ASAP and ask if you can get a price adjustment on it.