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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"


@Lipstickdiva wrote:

What's empowering to me, speaking only for myself, if feeling good in what I'm wearing and knowing I'm putting my best look forward.  I need to lose weight and I know that.  Because of that there are certain styles and articles of clothing I just won't wear.


Not only do I not want others poking their eyes out when they see me but I would feel way too uncomfortable in certain things and therefore I'd be miserable and not myself.


I think we all dress to feel comfortable.  We all want to look our best.  I know that not everyone is going to love everything I put on.  But as long as I feel confident and like what I'm wearing, that's all that matters.  However, I am never dressed in a manner that anyone can say is inappropriate.  They may think what I'm wearing is ugly, but that is different than being inappropriate.        


But that's just it ..... she DOESN'T want to look her best.    I thought that was a "given" when most women are selecting clothing, but I guess not.  She know "she has no business wearing" that dress, but she decided she doesn't care and is going to wear something quite unflattering, and too bad.    




I read her blog twice and thought her justification for wearing something really unflattering when she's the heaviest she's ever been screams pretty clearly that she just doesn't care how she looks.   Sorry, but that's no reason to cheer anyone on.    

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

My first impression is that this woman is expecting.


If she's not, then why wear such an unflattering dress? No she does not look good. I suppose it's the selfie culture where every photo gets posted for that 15 minutes of fame.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

I always look at these 'confidence' articles with raised eyebrows.

This article is not about the dress; It's about confidence.


I come from the camp of "Those Who Talk The Most, Do The Least'.


I can guarantee you, when I was heavier, I kinda wore stuff like the OP.

Did I take a picture of myself? No

Did I go to the interweb to post said picture? No

Did I do an Op-Ed saying how confident I was? No


I just went about my Confident Fabulous day wearing whatever.

I was/am confident no matter what my size or what I'm wearing.


This article is a lot like the morbidly obese woman making a blog post

how she's fabulous being a plus size model.  

No, you're just a model.  What does Plus have to do with it?

There's a current commercial making a special point an overweight

yoga instructor is 'confident.'  

No, you should be confident yogi. What does Plus have to do with it?


Pointing out you are different doesn't mean a thing.

In fact, it silently screams things you are trying to hide.

Those who talk the most, do the least.

I-am-confident, I-am-confident, I-am-confident, I-am-confident...

Hummmm...IMO, there's a greater than zero chance you're not.

No matter WHAT size you are.


This was/is/always will be a provocative topic.

My guess the OP of the article got a lot of publicity,

got a lot of Social Media hits & money from this article.  

Maybe....probably not even her dress...but made a $$ viral article.

Who knows....maybe the joke's on us.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

I did read the blog post and will admit I don't get it.  I don't know how something you know looks bad makes you feel good.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@VanSleepy wrote:

I did read the blog post and will admit I don't get it.  I don't know how something you know looks bad makes you feel good.



We've all been scratching our heads on this one ....

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

 As a person who has been obese/morbidly obese for 90% of my life, I applaud her for wearing what she loves and what makes her happy.  I have worked very hard and am now size 8/10, but my body will always show the effects of the extra weight I have carried.  I am very critical of how I look and never feel pretty (even though people compliment me all the time).  I struggle with those internal demons that a lifetime of being overweight has left me with.  I love that she accepts her imperfections and dresses for herself.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

[ Edited ]

She looks dumb?  Have any of you critics been out in the world - at amusement parks, etc.  Now there are some really awful clothing choices out there.  I don't think this woman looks so terrible.  If that's your idea of a really terrible fashion example, you must not see many people.  This apparently is an outlet for nasty, overly critical people.   

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

Thank you for putting this into perspective.  I think the whole thing is ridiculous.  She does look like many women you see on the street.  I really don't get all this cattiness.  

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

Women who think this is a priority with the current state of our world, must have their heads in the sand.  Things are deteriorating rapidly.  Who cares what she has on?   As the other poster said - it's not some obscene outfit.  What's she supposed to do with her belly?  Sometimes it's hard to get all parts of the body to fit in the same size and not everyone wants to run to a tailor.  I didn't read the article, nor do I intend to.  I've seen far worse.   

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

Somebody kick me.  I read the blog post and wish I hadn't.  

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