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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

It's good to get out among people just so you see what's really out there. I don't mean the 20 year olds who haven't been through, say meno, or life experiences that cause people to or not to eat because of the experiences.  One time that I felt really hard on myself and frustrated, I looked around and felt very Jo-average.  It did me a world of good to recognize I resemble more of the other women out there, than not.  There needs to be a certain amount of self-acceptance out there, that I don't think there is yet.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@Hippiified wrote:


What in the world is wrong with people? Why would you tear apart someone you don't even know? If I want to get to know someone, I notice things like "Is she genuine, funny, thouhgtful, smart (not necessarily a requirement), grateful, loving, tolerant, what are her interests, what is going on in her life right now, and much much more". The last thing I am looking at is how far her belly sticks out or is every hair in place. Give me a break. Not important in the scheme of things.


What she is trying to get across is that other people may think she has no business wearing it, but she doesn't care anymore. Good for her!



I agree with you.  It seems so simple to me.


There are many posters here who have to give fashion "advice" to anyone and everyone, whether it's been asked for ot not.  


And they've totally missed the woman's point.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:



Very well stated .... I also didn't think she explained why she'd bother to purchase and wear a dress that was SO unflattering.   And yes, you're right, it doesn't do her bustline any favors, either.  


This thread isn't about the state of the world, or anyone's spiritual leanings.   It's about why a woman would wear a dress that she freely admits doesn't look good on her.   A lot of people totally missed that point.



That's YOUR point, not hers.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@Hippiified wrote:


What in the world is wrong with people? Why would you tear apart someone you don't even know? If I want to get to know someone, I notice things like "Is she genuine, funny, thouhgtful, smart (not necessarily a requirement), grateful, loving, tolerant, what are her interests, what is going on in her life right now, and much much more". The last thing I am looking at is how far her belly sticks out or is every hair in place. Give me a break. Not important in the scheme of things.


What she is trying to get across is that other people may think she has no business wearing it, but she doesn't care anymore. Good for her!



I agree with you.  It seems so simple to me.


There are many posters here who have to give fashion "advice" to anyone and everyone, whether it's been asked for ot not.  


And they've totally missed the woman's point.

No they haven't

and everyone has something that makes them uncomfortable about their body and no body is perfect even the so called perfect ones

but its basic that most people try not to accenuate the negative and call attention to it

what would have been so wrong about wanting to wear a body concious dress and actually trying to look good in it? belly and all wouldn;t she have felt better and looked better?

Thats like saying yeah my legs are hairy so what I'm free to go out like this I'm embracing it and wearing a dress anyway

Or my boobs are down to my waist but I don;t need a good bra even if I woudl look better because I don;t worry about them looking perky anymore

Sorry but so whats so empowering about that???

If she truly doesn't  care how she looks why even bother to wear that kind of a dress?

I can see that kind of attitude about feeling great in something sexy like lingerie at home because it makes you feel good

but when you know you are in public with a gut looking sloppy when you have simple options to look better in the very same dress  thats just lazy and not caring about how you look -so expect people to think that of you

like it or not

She didn't have to look perfect to look good in the dress but she clearly did want to get noticed or she would have gone out no pics no articles and none of us would be talking about it



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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@Hippiified wrote:


What in the world is wrong with people? Why would you tear apart someone you don't even know? If I want to get to know someone, I notice things like "Is she genuine, funny, thouhgtful, smart (not necessarily a requirement), grateful, loving, tolerant, what are her interests, what is going on in her life right now, and much much more". The last thing I am looking at is how far her belly sticks out or is every hair in place. Give me a break. Not important in the scheme of things.


What she is trying to get across is that other people may think she has no business wearing it, but she doesn't care anymore. Good for her!



I agree with you.  It seems so simple to me.


There are many posters here who have to give fashion "advice" to anyone and everyone, whether it's been asked for ot not.  


And they've totally missed the woman's point.

and its not "fashion advice" its common sense

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

For all of those who think this is just fantastic, women should dress the way they want, as long as they are confident, etc.,  remember that the next time you are critiquing what someone is wearing on this board.


I know some of you that are cheering her on have had some unflattering things to say about what women should or shouldn't be wearing based on their body. 

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@Trinity11 wrote:

I must be missing something. Why wear a dress that simply does not fit? Why not just buy a size that does and wear Spanx under it? There is nothing wrong with her's the dress is too small.

I don't think the dress is too small. The dress looks like a knit, spandex dress so it's going to be form fitting.  Going up a size isn't going to change that. 


I refuse to ever wear a shaper underneath my clothing because no matter the brand, I find them hot and uncomfortable.  I just don't buy clothes that require them.  LOL

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

What's empowering to me, speaking only for myself, if feeling good in what I'm wearing and knowing I'm putting my best look forward.  I need to lose weight and I know that.  Because of that there are certain styles and articles of clothing I just won't wear.


Not only do I not want others poking their eyes out when they see me but I would feel way too uncomfortable in certain things and therefore I'd be miserable and not myself.


I think we all dress to feel comfortable.  We all want to look our best.  I know that not everyone is going to love everything I put on.  But as long as I feel confident and like what I'm wearing, that's all that matters.  However, I am never dressed in a manner that anyone can say is inappropriate.  They may think what I'm wearing is ugly, but that is different than being inappropriate.        

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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

I don't think some posters bothered to read the blog post.  And if they did I don't think they got it.


I'm weary of discussing this, so I'm out!

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

For all of those who think this is just fantastic, women should dress the way they want, as long as they are confident, etc.,  remember that the next time you are critiquing what someone is wearing on this board.


I know some of you that are cheering her on have had some unflattering things to say about what women should or shouldn't be wearing based on their body. 


Good Point.

I wish there was an algorithm which would match all the

body-positive and/or 'kumbaya looking into her soul' threads

the next time Kim Kardashian is photographed having dinner

wearing an unusual outfit.  


It would probably make some embarrassing matches. 


Somehow if the girl is a normal slub, like me, it's all 'you go girl!",

but those same posters would call a celebrity, certain celebrities,

sluts, trashy, idiots...horrible names...just because they were wearing

the exact same thing or an outfit THEY feel positive in.

Especially a Kardahsian/Jenner.

"ButButButBut she's different!'

No, she's not.  

Doesn't matter what the weight, what the outfit, what the last name.

We should not judge. 



Women are amazing creatures, BEAUTIFUL creatures.

So happy I'm one of them!
