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"A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

An inspiration to all self critical women. I am one for sure..👍to her. "Life's too short to worry about things you have no business wearing"-yes indeed. I'm going to print this out and revisit it when necessary.











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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@Greeneyedlady21   thanks for the link. Interesting reading. If it makes her feel good then who am I to say whether she should wear it or not. I can say I wouldn't wear it and it has nothing to do with being judged by others. I take pride in presenting myself in the best way possible and in my mind that wouldn't be it.




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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

Perfectly fine in my eyes.

Could stand some accessorizing but her confidence is showing & that can be enough



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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

[ Edited ]

@Tique wrote:

@Greeneyedlady21   thanks for the link. Interesting reading. If it makes her feel good then who am I to say whether she should wear it or not. I can say I wouldn't wear it and it has nothing to do with being judged by others. I take pride in presenting myself in the best way possible and in my mind that wouldn't be it.






Ditto .....  if that was my figure, I'd also select something else.


However, there are times when things are just SO bad that it would be a true kindness if some trusted friend quietly took them aside and told them that something was WAY beyond ... um .... flattering.    


Sometimes you see someone out in public wearing something that you'd definitely bet that they don't own a full length mirror!

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

It's all about individual choices.  I'm considerably thinner than her, but I would not wear that dress.  If she feels good in it, fine, but I would rather wear something more flattering to my body.


I go to a gym where it's very fashionable to have tattoos......the more the better.  This goes for both females as well as males.  I can look at them and think some of them are quite artistic and beautiful, but you will never see anything like that on this body, no way.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

What difference does it make what this woman chooses to wear? She'll still have a belly so if she throws a tent over her shoulders or puts on something fitted the ones uncomfortable with it are you! Perhaps her choices aren't about you!


I say good for her doing what feels right FOR HER!

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

[ Edited ]

I applaud this woman.  She appears happy and confident in her choice which, in turn, makes her attractive to the human race.  And I don't mean attractive in the physical sense, but rather on a spiritual level.  


As far as it being a true kindness to call a friend out for what I perceive as a fashion faux pas -- NO!  Unless she has a nipple exposed, who am I to %#&¥ on her parade?!?

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

I'd never wear that, but if the person wants to make a fool of herself, so be it. Not everyone viewing her would see the "spiritual" side of her confidence. She just looks dumb.

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

@Andreatoo wrote:

What difference does it make what this woman chooses to wear? She'll still have a belly so if she throws a tent over her shoulders or puts on something fitted the ones uncomfortable with it are you! Perhaps her choices aren't about you!


I say good for her doing what feels right FOR HER!


My thoughts exactly! I would never tell someone what to wear and if something looks good/bad on them. 

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Re: "A Dress I Have No Business Wearing"

The fact that she had to write about it is...telling.

'I'm not saying I'm giving up"

Ummmm, yeah you are.  

And you're trying to justify it by doing a 'body positive' article.
