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On 3/23/2015 Tulip47 said:

Cannot imagine why "Good Morning America" would have Lisa Robertson on for an interview. And if they will be talking about why she left QVC, it is old news and who cares. And she is not a celebrity except in her own mind and most people don't even know who she is. Don't watch GMA, never have, nothing important on that show.

I think Amy and Shawn are doing a wonderful job, but it would be nice if they got some new and exciting vendors to work with instead of the same old, same old.

As for GMA, it appears there are a number of interviews with various people in anticipation of a PBS special called the Emperor of all Maladies. It appears she is being interviewed with regard to this, but it's unclear. If so, although her mother died of this disease, her being chosen as an interview subject is sort of interesting. I guess those interested enough will watch and see.

As for the rest, yes, well, whatever...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Who cares!!! Wish not whish
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Registered: ‎07-31-2011
Who cares!!!
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Never watch GMA. Very shallow content and discussion on their stories. Can't imagine why they want to talk with LR about why she left QVC. Must be a slow news week. Sorry to those of you who adore LR but she is yesterday's news. Don't see why she could deserve a national news forum. One more reason to not watch GMA.

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Dalai Lama