Posts: 33
Registered: ‎06-12-2010

do you think cascade front cardigans will be around awhile?

i really don't care for cascade front cardigans because 1) i think they are trendy and 2) they don't look too hot on me but i don't exactly know why. anyway, as you know, they are everywhere . . . every store has them . . . they don't seem to be going away. so i bought one. it is the best of the best in that it fits well, it doesn't have a lot of material in the front, it's good material. do you think i could wear it awhile or will it soon go out of style? it's plain white--i need a longish white cardigan--but i don't want to look back in 5 years (yes, i keep my clothes a L-O-N-G time) and see that it's grossly out of fashion. what do you think? keep or return? i will abide by your wishes . . . .