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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

I don't happen to judge statements by "pathetic" "non-pathetic" but rather if there is truth in them or not. So, I have to say, there is some truth to Isaac's statement.

I noticed several times, if I was carrying a very good bag, I got comments, especially from women who were fashion-conscious. I've never been, myself. When I was a kid, I didn't have money and had to make my clothes (I had some spectacular failures!) When I was a fashion-conscious 30 yr old and slim as a rail, I couldn't find the fashionable brands because I was living in the vast wasteland of Middle USA. And things weren't online as there was no Online back then.

Now I'm older and fat, so I only care to look professional. As far as I go? It's a good, sturdy, elegant bag but nothing over the top and I could afford a designer bag but it hold the same stuff as a Dooney, which...I will buy used on Ebay if I fancy one I think is too high over here! I'm not proud. But....yes, I think women do judge by handbags in particular. But if I only could afford bags from TJ Maxx, I'd be just as happy. The compliments are fleeting.

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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

LOL, it's a silly comment, just like Lisa says something similar about watches. The price or name on bags, watches, shoes or anything doesn't matter to me. That sort of thing has never impressed me. If anything, it might have the opposite affect on me.

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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

On 7/25/2014 Campion said:

I don't happen to judge statements by "pathetic" "non-pathetic" but rather if there is truth in them or not. So, I have to say, there is some truth to Isaac's statement.

I noticed several times, if I was carrying a very good bag, I got comments, especially from women who were fashion-conscious. I've never been, myself. When I was a kid, I didn't have money and had to make my clothes (I had some spectacular failures!) When I was a fashion-conscious 30 yr old and slim as a rail, I couldn't find the fashionable brands because I was living in the vast wasteland of Middle USA. And things weren't online as there was no Online back then.

Now I'm older and fat, so I only care to look professional. As far as I go? It's a good, sturdy, elegant bag but nothing over the top and I could afford a designer bag but it hold the same stuff as a Dooney, which...I will buy used on Ebay if I fancy one I think is too high over here! I'm not proud. But....yes, I think women do judge by handbags in particular. But if I only could afford bags from TJ Maxx, I'd be just as happy. The compliments are fleeting.

Let me clarify and reiterate that it was not Isaac who made the remark. As I stated in my OP it was his "sidekick". I just don't remember her name. I think it is Jackie. I also should have put quotation marks around the sentence in the title of my OP because that is exactly what she said.

I term that statement as "pathetic" because IMO it is just that -- it is such a superficial estimation of what women are about and doesn't speak well for women, truthful or not. And as a sales tactic? A remark like that absolutely turns me off to buying.

Twenty years ago I bought a really nice looking black tote bag that I have used almost every day for work and otherwise. I have received many, many compliments on it. It cost me $10 at a local discount store and is made of man-made materials. Wink I never set out to get compliments. I bought the bag because it was very useful and I liked it. I just can't understand people who are so consumed by names and status symbols but that's JMO.

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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

I don't buy

anything to make anyone happy and I, for sure, don't care about people judging me for what I do or don't have. I buy what I want because I like it, want it or need it. I am 100% comfortable in who and am. Nothing I wear or carry will change that.


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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

I only notice the suitcase-sized purses. And I do judge their carriers as not-too-bright.

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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

We're visual creatures and care about how we look .... some people more than others. I must say, I am getting a kick out of how many are claiming they never notice other people .... what a joke! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

I doubt many people walk around not EVER taking note of other peoples' clothing, hairstyles, makeup, jewelry, handbags, shoes ..... WHATEVER.

I remember years ago a business consultant giving a speech on getting promotions and moving up in the organization to keep in mind that EVERY piece of clothing ... dress, blazers, slacks, shoes, ties, jewelry, handbags, etc etc makes a statement about who we are and how we view ourselves.

I think they were right .... and others always pick up on the visual clues ... this is nothing new and no one should be the least bit surprised. {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

That is a major overstatement.

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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

On 7/25/2014 ennui1 said:

Women judge each other by everything. Women are ruthless.


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Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

On 7/25/2014 RedHeadedWench said:
On 7/25/2014 ennui1 said:

Women judge each other by <em>everything</em>. Women are ruthless.


So true. I agree also.
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Registered: ‎06-12-2011

Re: Women judge each other by their handbags???????

Of course we judge each other and shouldn't fool ourselves. If it's not the handbag, it's jewelry, or clothing style, or hair length, or body size, or makeup choice, or the choice of vehicle we drive, or the neighborhood we live in, or how we raise our children, or our political choices, or how we chose to feed ourselves....... and it never ends.