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for those who already own this......i am assuming that there is pretty much no stretch since it is 100% rayon?

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I'm the odd one out.  I don't care for this at all. Plus, I don't like open-front cardis.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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I don't think I'd wear a long cardigan in the summer.

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I'm on the fence on this one. I haven't purchased in a while but this looks like it would be a lighter weight than a regular sweater. It covers the butt which I need. It's so unstructured though. I might look like I'm wearing a potato sack. 

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@winamac1 wrote:

I'm the odd one out.  I don't care for this at all. Plus, I don't like open-front cardis.

I do not care for it either. I have pink and yellow caridgans that I love and wear in winter. I have no need for one now.

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I like a lot of the things Renee brings to QVC, but ths TSV is on mute for me as in it's saying nothing to me.  I know they are calling it ombre, but it looks to me like soft striping would have been a better description.  Perhaps if the sweater had stepped out with some kind of new shape, or variation of the getting old cascade, I might feel better about it. Anyway, it's a pass for me.

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@Iwantcoffee wrote:

@winamac1 wrote:

I'm the odd one out.  I don't care for this at all. Plus, I don't like open-front cardis.

I do not care for it either. I have pink and yellow caridgans that I love and wear in winter. I have no need for one now.



I think it looks "cheaply made", but perhaps it's nicer in person.  I'm glad I have no interest in this at all.  I think this open-front drapey asymetrrical design would drive me nuts.  I didn't like it tied either.  I did like the purple and sand color, but that's it.  It's worth $20 from what it looks on TV. 

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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I don't care for it either, really don't have any need for cardigans in the summer, 92 degrees here today with heat index of 103, I know lots of people do like cardigans, I'm just not one of them.
"To each their own, in all things".
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I don't like items with sharkbite hems, and I am not a fan of cascading cadigans so it is not for me.  I already own a few longer length cardigans so I don't need anymore. 

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Registered: ‎06-12-2013

I have to tell you, it is not cheaply made. I have it, and the fabric is very expensive looking. It is not a sweater knit fabric;  more like a mesh/netting. It feels like silk on your skin. I love mine so much I ordered it another color when I saw the matching tanks! Ladies, this a very pretty garment. Well worth $40.