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Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

I had to pass on two cute new ones I would loved to have added to my collection but with the over-the-top price and the increased cost of shipping, I couldn't justify over $54.00 for such a little pin, no matter how much I loved Joan's bee pins. I personally think they are taking advantage of her fans loyalty and pricing them nearly $10.00 dollars more than they were a year or so ago. Disgraceful!!

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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

I always thought they were pricey- I never bought for that reason. I just have my interchangeable one - from when it was a tsv years ago.

Shipping costs- well that's a whole other thread!

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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

I don't understand the cost myself therefore have never purchased one although I do admire them. Not a priority.
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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

It's the capitalist way - charge as much as people are willing to pay.

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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

Because Joan is gone, they can fetch more.

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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

have many many many and some $$$$ ones on wish list (it'll never happen), I've noticed the prices for years going up,,,,,first kind of a bit larger size,,,then an anniversary etc. I truly love these bees and have many, but I'm ticked too at the prices just going and going and going up,,,,as with everything, but I take this as preying on us 'bee lovers'

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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

They raise prices because they can.............they're cashing in on Joan's dead body (harsh, I know, but it's the truth).

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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

I have read posts here of customers taking advantage of QVC and other retailers. Well, retailers take advantage of customers also.

But, we do have an advantage; don't buy.

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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

I suspect the reasons already posted are correct (because they can!).

I hope David Dangle (sp?) reads this. I have several dozen bee pins, and I wear them, but the $50.00 price range on the new ones are just too high.

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Re: Why do the new bee pins cost so much?

All the bees I've bought lately are larger than most of the early bees. Size might cost more?