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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: When de-cluttering clothes

@Squirrel Lover wrote:

I will also add that I made my closet beautiful like when you go into a boutique. I bought all matching wooden hangers. I have pretty matching baskets to keep small items such as purses, wallets, ect in one, scarves in another, hats in another ect. I also folded all of my tee shirts in small piles  so I can see them, which helps them get worn. I should take a pic of my closet it might be better to expain.

Would love to see pic!!!

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Posts: 5,899
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: When de-cluttering clothes

Decluttering is always an ongoing project. As my body has changed in the middle due to menopause, some tops don't look so good on me. If in doubt about a clothing item, take a photo of yourself wearing it and then ask yourself, does this look good on me? If the answer is "No", then out it goes.


My husband sent me some photos we took at a park and the One World type of top by Style & Co had ruching in the midsection which only made me look like I have a meno-gut. I took the top after I washed it and removed the side elastic but that didn't help with the fit so off the top went into the donation bag. A couple of other tops that shrank in the dryer (cotton or cotton blend) also went into the donation bag.