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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

If you want to give her the evening bag and a gift card for the items she has registered for. That way will make both of you happy.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

i would stick with the registry or go with cash/check.....those are the items she wants and needs and wont be returned.

the evening bag is not an appropriate shower gift.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

I agree that even though you might not be crazy about the items on the registry, it's important to realize that they are what the bride picked - that's why people register, and respectfully, it's not about you. These are the items she NEEDS, which are more important when setting up a household than something that you WANT to give her. So find something on the register, and if you want, add a gift card or cash. I recently gave an electric griddle - not particularly exciting, but exactly what she wanted, and she was thrilled! For my own wedding, I remember I returned many things and exchanged them for additional sets of my china pattern and crystal. I didn't need twelve vases, as pretty as they were!
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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

I'm not understanding why you would give someone an evening bag for a bridal shower. If this was a personal shower, that would be appropriate but I don't think it's appropriate for a bridal shower. Those should be household gifts for both the bride and the groom.

I guess it depends on her situation but when DH and I got married, we were young and just starting out. I was still in college and neither of us had ever lived on our own so we needed everything.

While some people went off the registry and got me crystal items like a pitcher, vase, bowl, etc., they weren't things I needed and honestly have barely been used. I appreciated the gifts and kept them but would rather have had things I registered for because at the time, a crystal vase wasn't practical for us.

A toaster or blender might not excite you but if they registered for it, it's something they want and need.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

If you are not excited about buying what is on the registry, give a giftcard to that store and let her pick out what she wants. When I got married I received crystal pieces that I will never use, a few have been donated since I will never used them.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

On 1/2/2015 colliegirls said:
On 1/2/2015 lulu2 said:

For a special bride-to-be, I usually give a piece of my own personal crystal or Belleek along with a gift card to the store where she's registered.

You give away your own crystal?? Stemware?

Not stemware, rather a vase, bowl, candlesticks. Over the years I've collected a lot of Waterford or Belleek. I only give something that is in pristine condition. I include a note saying why the piece was special to me and why I think the bride and groom would enjoy it in their home. Sometimes it's a piece the bride admired in my home, even as a little girl.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

Well, I think the whole point of a gift registry is buy something the bride wants and is excited It's not about you. I personally, would not give the bride an evening bag as shower gift. If for whatever reason, you don't want to give the bride something that she wants....give her a gift card (preferably where she is registered) or cash. Speaking as the mother of a recent bride and knowing today's young women as I do; I would never in a million years go out and buy a piece of chrystal or china or anything else that appeals to me because those are types of things that end up being re-gifted or stuck up in an attic somewhere. Brides are very sophisticated today and just as they have a particular style of dress, they also want particular style in their homes.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

The registry is what she wants to receive not what others want to give her.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

I would buy something from the registry. It does not matter if I like it or not, it for the couple, not me. Household items may not be exciting, but they are necessary.

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Re: What to give for a bridal shower gift

I also do not agree with the evening bag as a bridal shower gift. I love to give a Betty Crocker or Better Home and Gardens cookbook, where I have added a couple of my simple, but favorite recipes, along with very nice kitchen towels and potholders. I love the gift card option when it comes to solving any gift giving dilemna.