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Re: What does a gap in T-shirt mean?

[ Edited ]

You just have to try different brands.  Denim & CO cuts for larger shoulder back and arms.  Isaac shirts fit me.  Lands End's Pima T's are just that a "T".  No shape. 


You just have to shop until you find one that fits then buy everything they make!!!!! 


Every brand fits differently!  Even expensive ones!

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Re: What does a gap in T-shirt mean?

Who walks around with their arms stuck out to the side of their body 😂😂😂

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Re: What does a gap in T-shirt mean?

A tee-shirt 'gap' is essentially the same thing as 'relaxed-fit' meaning it will fit loosely. A 'fashion' tee is fitted around the arms, shoulders and torso.

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Re: What does a gap in T-shirt mean?

@santorini wrote:

Maybe I'm not understanding it correctly but I think she means that if she holds her arms straight out to the side of her body, someone standing beside her could see her bra, arm pits, and a few inches of skin. The sleeve isn't snug enough to provide coverage. 


I think you may be correct. I'm not 100% sure what she means either. 

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Registered: ‎01-14-2017

Re: What does a gap in T-shirt mean?


@Allthingsgirly67   See @Zhills post I re-posted below, she explained so clearly.  Not every item of clothes fits the way that you like.  See bodies below.  Same size, the t-shirts will fit different, find a different t-shirt that fits the way you like.


If this far in your life, this is the first garment that doesn't fit you how you like, you have lived a blessed fashion life.



@Zhills wrote:

Here is my theory! 


This is a size 14 model from Google.


        Image1.jpg          so is this    Image2.jpg


Look at the difference in the size of their arms


The shirt was made to fit the 1st one!  They are the majority!  Find a different brand or designer!


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Re: What does a gap in T-shirt mean?

You would want a smaller size to get rid of the gap but you may not like the fit elsewhere when going smaller.
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Re: What does a gap in T-shirt mean?

No I mean it doesn’t fit in the underarm hole, it gaps. The picture above shoes her sleeve fitted to her arms. Not mine.