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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

When I was little, my mother used to make me the cutest dresses including the stiff petticoats underneath. One year she made me a purse and hat to match at Easter. She was a wonderful seamstress. Those were the days when you really dressed up on Sundays and especially at Easter.

When I was thirteen, it was a special Easter-fashion wise. I wore my first bra (underneath of course).

Today my granddaughter had on a beautiful little plaid full dress with a sash and a flower in her hair. Her American Girl doll was wearing a matching outift!

Of course, Easter is all about Christ's resurrection, and nothing will take away from that, but so many fond memories are tied up with Easter celebrations.

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

my parish is the Cathedral-- an urban setting and our parish draws from all over town aaa many different cultures, thus different styles of dressing---everyone looked spring-y and we were all so ready for the Easter season after a Lenten struggle---the cathedral was beautiful after the dark of the Triduum--
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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

I can't remember any verse in the Bible that said or implied that ""ugliness is nearer to Godliness"" but I do recall something about ""gilding the lily"". Does that mean that an old Skunk Cabbage like me is free to dress up a little?
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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

I watched Easter Parade with Judy Garland and Fred Astaire, last night. Talk about Easter bonnets! It was a nice movieSmile

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

I saw one outfit that was pink and the lady wore a big pink hat loaded with flowers. Everyone else was in their usual - jeans, shorts and the like. Times have changed and I have completely changed my thinking through the years - better attend church in jeans if necessary rather than not go. I think it's great!

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

Winifred I SO agree with you!
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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

Maxi dresses and Maxi skirts. On every age. I was so happy to see this as maxis are my favorite! Alot of coral on the ladies, too. Another favorite of mine this year Smiley Happy.

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

On 4/20/2014 Nancy Drew said:
On 4/20/2014 FunkyHulaGirl said:

I was there to worship the Lord, not observe what people were wearing.

I can do both!

Me, too. We actually are encouraged to fellowship before and after services here and had a pancake breakfast to support our missions team yesterday. We are also a very friendly congregation and greet each other as we go into service and as we leave; and sometimes in between Wink). This is all part of being a church family. There is nothing wrong with noticing someone's pretty dress as they are stopping by to say hi.

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

Easter or Resurrection Sunday as we call it is my favorite day of celebration. It is the high holy day of my faith and I look forward to the service. That being said, I enjoy getting a new Easter outfit. It is more for myself than anything else. I was brought up to dress up for church. It is ingrained in me. My church is a come as your are church and that is great! Most people wear jeans or shorts in the summer. On Easter, though, I enjoyed seeing people turn it up a notch for this special day. Everyone looked beautiful in their Easter finery!

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

I attended Easter Vigil and it was magnificent. People dressed up and dressed down. i really don't care how they dress as long as they are there.