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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

On 4/20/2014 JustJazzmom said:

Someone wearing printed pants as they went up to Communion.

Some folks had jeans on and some wore very appropriate clothing.

Is there something wrong with printed pants? As for jeans, if they fit well and are clean why would there be a problem with wearing them in church?

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

I always look forward to seeing all the beautiful hats the ladies wear to church on Easter....was so surprised to see only 4 ladies wearing hats in the worship service and there were about 1200 people in attendance. I must say all 4 of the hats looked great on the women wearing them..

I noticed that I saw almost no one in pastels other than some small children....I don't look good in pastels and have never owned any I can remember as an adult...but Easter clothes were always a very important part of celebrating and worship when I was growing up. I don't think people dress up as much for church as they did when I was a little girl.....the women always wore gloves, hats, stockings, heels, the whole thing. The men wore suits and ties also. I always had a brand new pair of black or white patent leather mary janes!

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

This is what parishioners saw at California Community Church in L.A. - none other than Kris Jenner.

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

On 4/20/2014 chrystaltree said:
On 4/20/2014 gazelle77 said: In Church?Does your GOD judge you by what you wear? I do not get it

Oh! Get a grip! Some people actually enjoy life. Thou Shalt Not Look Nice is not one of the

I really don't think He cares what you wear. It's not a red carpet event. When you attend Mass your focus should be on what is being spoken, not checking out what everyone is wearing. Our parishioners tend to dress very casual.

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

I live in a residential area of Manhattan. Everyone (full house) looked like they normally do for Sunday Mass.

Church looked beautiful ... full of flowers. Choir was as fantastic as ever. Homily was inspiring.

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

On 4/20/2014 ValuSkr said:

This is what parishioners saw at California Community Church in L.A. - none other than Kris Jenner.

Kris Jenner Easter 1Kris Jenner Easter

other than wearing a dress that is too short and too tight and needing something on her legs, she looks okay

At least she was going to church....did she go alone?

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎04-20-2014

Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

A saying I have heard from my mother several times over the years when any of her 8 children were stressing about what to wear to church... "God didn''t say dress, He said come."
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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

Our church had a mix of attire, uber casual to men wearing coat and ties and a few little girls with 'fancy' dresses on. The 1st service was very full, second was probably was as well.

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

Well, I can go to Mass and worship and also look at those in front of me. And if I go to communion early enough I can peek at people coming back down the aisle.

We had a young woman, two pews in front of us who had a beautiful figure. She had on white leggings that could have been spray painted on with an adorable pink fluffy waist length sweater. I think everyone in the church noticed her including the priest.

Other than that we had the normal array including jeans and shorts....I do love the children who are all dressed up. I was casual with Linea knit pants(that were not spray painted on) and jacket

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Re: What did you see - fashion wise - in church this AM?

On 4/20/2014 HiLo said:
On 4/20/2014 HisElk said:

Today is Easter. Is there a way we can post on a thread without being snarky, etc. and rejoice in His resurrection?

So true HisElk: Happy resurrection day to all who know in their hearts that He has indeed risen!

Thank you, HiLo; we spent part of our day watching the movie "Jesus of Nazareth" on the UP network. We're about halfway through it as it is a 4 hour movie (with commercials). It is indeed, a special day. Happy Easter to you!