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@MacDuFF   You are great! Always looking good!

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I really like the first and third outfits this week.  They are both super cute!!!


I had to laugh at your potato chip bowl.  I've done things like that as I'm a potato chip/salty snackaholic.  I would just go back and fill that thing up 10 times in one night.  But least I'd be getting a little exercise that way.  LOL!  You obviusly have more will power than I do!!!


Have fun at the beach.  For some reason I thought you just lived a short distance (10 or 15 miles) from the beach and were there quite often.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
- Author Unknown
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Very nice outfits!

I really love the neutral combos in your first outfit. Very chic! 


August for me used to mean getting ready to go back to work when I taught school. August can be a hot month here, but we've already had near 100 temps this summer. It can be hot here through September.


August is also my birth month. I'm officially old according to the US government! 😱 I've been approved for my Social Security payments to start. I'm celebrating all month. Life is short. Enjoy it while you can. 

Hope You & Everyone Have a Great Week! 

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Thank you for the info !!  The pedal system:  Stamina SPS.


I'll check Amazon.


It's what I've been thinking about.  This type, instead of those usual extra large pedals which show too much ankle movement, imo.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Wore these ankle boots with my highest heels and a pair of pants NewAnkleBoots.jpgto keep my feet dry with all the rain here.

Opted for them instead of a pair of OTK's if I wore a dress or skirt. 

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MacDuff, you look great in each and everyone but I think the black is my favorite.  Looks so great with your beautiful hair.  You accessories are also outstanding.

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Your charcoal jumpsuit is lovely.


You look amazing!!! 


"Potato chip jenga" is perfect! What an excellent idea to use a small glass bowl. I'm going to try it!!

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As usual your outfits are so attractive and you seem so comfortable in all of them.  My favorite this week is the jumpsuit.  Always liked them.

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Registered: ‎10-20-2011
Thank you ❤️  @Labby mom  (Welcome to the boards!),  @QVCkitty1  (black and tan = classic color combo),  @Greeneyedlady21 (😆 I hear ya!),   @Franklinbell (Handsome is a funny man),   @qbetzforreal  (betcha can't eat just one),   @PINKdogWOOD,   @Nonametoday,  and @Terrywu  ❤️
@kindred cats     Thank you, but I can barely keep up with my threads.  Plus, Q would have to change their marketing to 70ish - The Age of Improbability.  😁
@happilyretiredgirl   The beach life is my fantasy life.  We love the beach off-season when it's quiet and we have it almost all to ourselves.
Thanks @AngelPuppy1  and @DSD2    Get two glass me on this!😂
@ID2     All the pieces are lightweight and all are 100% cotton except for the tan slacks which are a rayon rich blend.  I avoid the heat/sun/humidity as much as possible...usually only going from the house to the car to the store to the restaurant.  But, you might have meant that they actually look un-summery...?   If so, I can see your point, but I threw the "experts'" advice about not wearing dark colors in summer out the window during The Purge and never looked back, and I prefer crops.  
@shoptilyadropagain   I 😂 about you getting exercise going back and forth filling the bowl with salty snacks...I can just see that!  Reminded me of when we used to tell our parents we were getting our exercise walking to the ice cream parlor.  Don't tell anyone, but I've been known to fill the bowl twice. 😮  We live a few hours away from the beach and go for a few days three or four times a year.
Your welcome @ROMARY.  Curious...why don't you want the ankle movement?  Strong ankles are good for balance.  I do separate ankle exercises.
@StylishLady2    Those stiletto boots would kill me, woman!!!  How do you do it?!?
@wilma     Thank you.   Now that you mention it, I don't think we've hit the 100s yet this year and only a few days in the upper 90s.  Mostly our temps have been tolerable with a few days here and there of unbearable humidity.  I'll take that over the norm...unrelenting temps hovering around 100 and oppressive humidity...any day.  Happy happy birthday, too!  And may the Good LORD bless you with many more happy and healthy ones.  Prayers up for you and your are y'all doing?
~~~11th Commandment: Thou shalt not quote MacDuff's ridiculously long posts; once is ridiculously long enough. Amen~~~
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Registered: ‎04-28-2010



I seem to occasionally 'tweek' my left ankle when I overdo it exercising/walking without proper support/etc. 


The pedals on your machine are more like bicycle pedals, which my ankles appreciate.  No problems.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).