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Today I started sorting and putting away some summer things.  Truly I have way too much.  I have not even worn some of the new things I bought this year.  Weather went from cool to HOT,  I am retired and must keep reminding myself I do not NEED so many clothes!  I just have a hard time getting rid of the older things!!

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I can absolutely relate---big time!

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@bargainsgirl I know what you mean. I have purged and purged and still have too much. If it helps you to let go, I would suggest selecting garments that your local hospital could use to give to emergency room patients. Emergency rooms cut patient's clothing off to examine and treat those in car crashes and accidents. The patient needs something to wear when being discharged. Treated and released. 


Our son was in a car crash. The nurse brought him some clothing and apologized because the pants were too large. She explained the nurses donate, but they were running low on clothing. We took a variety of men's and women's clothing to the hospital. They were very grateful.

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You are not alone in this,in my case i have a few different sizes!!Woman Wink

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@On It 


what a great idea

thank you!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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And so many of the older items are made so much better.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Retired moved to Delray Beach Florida no longer needed many items worn while working. My closet not cluttered anymore. Fun shopping new clothes for my new easy breasy lifestyle. 

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I too am guilty of the same thing.   I have been making a sincere effort to curb my shopping habits the past several years.  I'm better than I used to be but I like to call it a "work in progress".  I'll never quite master it.

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I have way too much too---Am retired and don't need about 1/2 of the stuff crammed into my tiny closet.I live where I don't need to put away clothes for the different seasons--I wear most of mine year round. 

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@On It wrote:

@bargainsgirl I know what you mean. I have purged and purged and still have too much. If it helps you to let go, I would suggest selecting garments that your local hospital could use to give to emergency room patients. Emergency rooms cut patient's clothing off to examine and treat those in car crashes and accidents. The patient needs something to wear when being discharged. Treated and released. 


Our son was in a car crash. The nurse brought him some clothing and apologized because the pants were too large. She explained the nurses donate, but they were running low on clothing. We took a variety of men's and women's clothing to the hospital. They were very grateful.

hes ok now, I hope

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