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Same here.  Would love to wear some of what I have more often or paired differently.  If they still fit and aren't excessively worn I have trouble parting.  It's probably a condition! LOL  And good luck!



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Timely post:  I just switched my closet over to " Transitional " which means I have a few summer tops and all but my really heavy winter tops / sweaters in my closet.  

The way back section of the closet contains the heavy duty stuff and the stored summer stuff.


I finally got rid of my former-sized clothing as well as new-tagged stuff I just don't need.  They were unbelievable buys and everything got mailed to my niece to distribute to her friends and the remainder to donate.  It was a very large box that UPS says she'll get tomorrow.


I feel great to have stuff going to good homes !


We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
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@IMW wrote:

I can absolutely relate---big time!

Same here.  It's like an addiction....I still buy even though I have too much and have several pieces that still have the tags on.

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@On It wrote:

@bargainsgirl I know what you mean. I have purged and purged and still have too much. If it helps you to let go, I would suggest selecting garments that your local hospital could use to give to emergency room patients. Emergency rooms cut patient's clothing off to examine and treat those in car crashes and accidents. The patient needs something to wear when being discharged. Treated and released. 


Our son was in a car crash. The nurse brought him some clothing and apologized because the pants were too large. She explained the nurses donate, but they were running low on clothing. We took a variety of men's and women's clothing to the hospital. They were very grateful.

@On It This is a wonderful idea!  I didn't know that the hospital had stored some extra clothing...I never thoughtof it.


I hope your son is okay!

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@smoochy wrote:


@goldensrbest wrote:

You are not alone in this,in my case i have a few different sizes!!Woman Wink

yes! I have the size I use to wear and the size I actually wear haha

@smoochy Then there is the size that I live in my fantasy life...if only I lose that extra weight!

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@wilma   I could have written your post....except for the shorts.  I only wear them around the house.

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My problem is that I LOVE clothes of all sorts, shoes, handbags, jewelry, etc. And I am an elderly retired woman.

I have done some culling, but then I am out there buying.

I have finally decided I should get one special casual and one dressy new outfit per season and that is it.  What do you think?


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@PamfromCT wrote:

My problem is that I LOVE clothes of all sorts, shoes, handbags, jewelry, etc. And I am an elderly retired woman.

I have done some culling, but then I am out there buying.

I have finally decided I should get one special casual and one dressy new outfit per season and that is it.  What do you think?



I'm not as attracted to handbags and jewelry, but clothes and shoes are very tempting to me. Buying only a few new outfits a year would be quite a reduction in shopping, if you can do it. Good luck! 


I tried buying only one new piece a month one year. Another year I tried to limit myself to 12 total purchases for the year. I'm embarrassed to say I failed both challenges.

I pay off my credit card balances every month so I'm not in debt over my shopping. One year I sat down and figured out how much I spent on fashion. That shocked me into buying less online, so I have cut way back there. For the past few years I've been shopping more in my local stores. Just too many places to shop in my city. 


I think the best thing for me is to simply not go in stores. If I can resist that temptation then I would definitely buy less since I've already curbed my online shopping habit. 


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@goldensrbest wrote:

And so many of the older items are made so much better.

Yes!  That is why it is so hard to part with them!

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@goldensrbest wrote:

And so many of the older items are made so much better.



YES!  This is why every time I start to purge, I look at a lot of my older items and they are 100% better quality and styles than the stuff of today (for the most part).  If I were to try and purchase these things today, I would pay probably 70% more of what I paid back when I originally bought them.  Plus, most of the styles now, just don't do it for me!!!  I just can't stand to get rid of these things!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin