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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/2/2014 house cat said:

…are aging with grace and pride.

It's so sad to see Kim Novak and others who have mangled their faces with elective surgeries. I don't see the men doing that. Why do women do that to themselves?

In your opinion, what makes the older women most beautiful?

Plenty of men do it!

There are several very famous male celebrities who have had work done. It's talked about all the time. There is definitely more pressure on women to remain youthful-looking, but men most definitely have these kind of surgeries, etc. too. Kiss

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/2/2014 MrsLorraine said:
On 3/2/2014 beaches21 said:
On 3/2/2014 dulwich said: To name just two Judi Dench and June Squibb (actress up for nomination for Nebraska - I think that is her name. Theses Ladies are older and look beautiful compared sadly to Lisa Minelli and Kim Novak.
I knew June Squibb was an older actress but I never would have guessed she was 84, she looks wonderful. By the way, Kim Novak is 81. At first I thought Liza looked good i think her face does)until I saw her bra less look, couldn't anyone close to her tell her?

Ugh; I agree. But I thought Ellen D's jokes about her were mean.

Then you didn't understand what Ellen was saying. She was talking about the many Liza impersonators, not Liza herself. Kiss

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/2/2014 MrsLorraine said:
On 3/2/2014 Goldie76 said:
On 3/2/2014 gazelle77 said: Meryl Streep was SO VERY beautiful when young, and today she is aging natural and is still so beautiful.

You are so right.

I've never thought Meryl Streep was beautiful, at any age. She's nice looking but not beautiful. And with her talent, she doesn't have to rely on her looks.

She does look like she's getting older and somewhat heavier. I thought her dress did nothing for her.

I agree. Never beautiful and never any kind of fashion icon.

But enormously talented. When she plays romantic roles, she makes it completely understandable why men would fall in love with her. She is a very, very good actress. And I admire that immensely. Kiss

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/2/2014 Nancy Drew said:

Goldi Hawn. Why oh why? Just age gracefully.

In her head, she still thinks she's that cute young girl on Laugh In......Goldie, just stop!!
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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

hollywood is a place of artifice, superficiality, shallowness and make-believe. i feel bad for those who internalize that including actors who create false images of themselves and fans who idolize all that is hollywood.

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/2/2014 upsidedown said:

Goldie was always so cute....but now she just looks strange


"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

I think Meryl Streep is attractive--not beautiful. She is, as someone else stated, immensely talented. She also appears so grounded and so not "full of herself". I'd love to "know her". I bet she is amazingly insightful and intelligent and full of interesting stories. She is a phenomenal actress.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

June Squibb looked luminous, but my heart breaks for Liza, because she just doesn't realize......
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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/2/2014 DiAnne said:
On 3/2/2014 Nancy Drew said:
On 3/2/2014 chrystaltree said:

You also don't see men criticising other men for such foolishness. What one woman does with her own body is her business and hers alone. Don't forget older women in the entertainment business have challenges and body image issues that we, thankfully, do not have. So, if plastic surgery boosts their self esteem or helps them get jobs, so be it. If they are happy with results, who are we to criticize?

Men are not foolish enough to ruin their face for vanity.

Kenny Rogers, Bruce Jenner, Burt Reynolds, etc., etc., etc.


"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

John Travolta does not look so great.