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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

PLENTY of male actors have had work done ..... we just focus more on the women. The problem here isn't money ..... it's your individual facial structure. Two people could go to the same "top plastic surgeon" and one's face lift will be fabulous ..... and the other's ... not so much. In some ways, it's a roll of the dice.

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

I did not recognize Goldie Hawn, one of my favorites, last night. Had to ask DH to verify that it was her, also Kim Novak. DH was taken aback at Kim's looks.

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

are the ones who do not wear a sleeveless gown!

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/3/2014 peachesncream said:

Beauty has no age. Oscar nominee June Squibb.

Beautiful!!! Aging look great on her!!

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

well said.....but you have to remember that they live in a 'world' where all are 'judged' by their looks....and they do not have the self confidence others grow into. Their whole life - success depended on 'beauty'...and ageless looks. Too many botched surgeries and the result is far worse than graceful aging!! As an RN who worked 'part time' in a plastic surgeon's office, I decided long ago that I was just going to keep my wrinkles & sags...I earned them by enjoying life... plus I hate pain. Trying to remove sutures from people's eyes and faces that are so black and blue and swollen... ---not for me!

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

On 3/3/2014 Rununculus said:
On 3/3/2014 winamac1 said:

I think Meryl Streep is attractive--not beautiful. She is, as someone else stated, immensely talented. She also appears so grounded and so not "full of herself". I'd love to "know her". I bet she is amazingly insightful and intelligent and full of interesting stories. She is a phenomenal actress.

She is a phenomenal actress, but I attended an event many years ago to promote the work of her artist/husband. She was present, and we (media members) were instructed NOT to speak to her or draw too close. She strode around the room looking like a queen. I was disappointed.

Well, the event was about her husband. Maybe she didn't want to take anything away from him.

As for the set, lots of actors don't want to break their concentration -- they are deeply in character and don't want distractions. Daniel Day Lewis is known for intense method acting, for example.

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

When Kim Novak was young she wore her hair short,now that she is a senior she has this long hair and looked terrible.She sure had her faced fixed up to.

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

I live in the area and land of plastic surgery so I see a lot of it with different people who are not even movie stars. Its just a desire to look your best as well as look younger. Its done a lot here but I can see where it isn't an every day occurrence in middle America where it would be an anomaly rather than a norm. No insult intended.

My MIL researched procedures quite a bit because she didn't like how her face looked with aging. She went to a top surgeon here in the area and had a face lift, which looks very good. She didn't go crazy with the fillers or implants, which do cause shifting and the strange "doll" effect.

Many men do this too, believe me, at least here they do. I think aging gracefully is an over used term and aging gracefully can and does include good plastic surgery done sparingly and expertly.

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

It can't be that they do that to themselves in order to get jobs, who will hire them looking like fright night queen! I guess some women just can't deal with ageing and they will do any thing to help stop the clock.

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Re: The most beautiful older women at the Oscars are the ones who...

Especially when their careers are over! I was shocked to see Kim Novack one of my favorite actresses from back in the day very beautiful and elegant. I can see getting a little refreshment surgery like cyndog said but they are all starting to get that ""look"" which is not flattering at all and the men are just as bad.