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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

I don't care for it.  Never have.  Looks sloppy to me.  JMHO.

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

I do not like the look and do not wear it.

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

I usually get used to the newer looks and adapt them for my body type, but this one is just not for me.

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

Frankly, I see very few pulling the look off and look stylish doing so.  To my eyes, most look as if they just threw stuff together, like someone who doesn't know how to dress well-- or perhaps don't care how they look.  


I must say those who wear short over long and the long is closer fit (such as a Skinny Tee) always look better to me.  The flouncy, uneven, asymmetrical hemlines seem to be the ones which I find messy looking.   

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

It took me a long time to get used to that look, but now it's kind of my uniform.  I think it depends on the woman's shape and style, like every other fashion trend.  I do not like the LOGO looks of baggy top over another baggy top.  But a skinny-tee type shirt or sweater with a cropped jacket over it can look mahhvelous.  I hope this style is here to stay!

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

I am short, extremely long waisted, short legs, long arms ( think King Kong's mother).


It is NOT the look for me. I LOVE IT on other ladies of all ages who have a "missy" body type.

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

It's not a look I wear. As someone who generally prefers structure it's pretty much the antithesis!

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

When you get dressed, stand back from a full length mirror.  Where does your eye go?


That will appear to be the widest part of the body.

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Re: The cropped jacket with longer tunic underneath look

I agree with OP.  I have never cared for the look at all.  It's not a look I really see much of except for when I'm watching QVC.  Many hosts dress that way, but it certainly isn't a flattering look on some of them like Carolyn, Leah and Jane.  All it does is bring attention to the widest part of their bodies.  I think they look better just wearing a longer top or jacket.