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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

[ Edited ]

The shoes on the model make the dress look so much better.

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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress


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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

Yep, she 's wearing what she likes and laughing all the way to the bank. While others make nasty comments all day and night in bolded caps on a shopping channel forum
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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

She looks pretty and I bet she chose the shoes for comfort. Doesn't she need a supportive shoe to make sure she can dance for her concerts? These are popular right now. High heels she probably reserved for special occasions.

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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

Taylor can do no wrong.
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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

@Greeneyedlady21  Bless her,   this was not her finest hour!

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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

Taylor is a beautiful woman, but I don't think this is her best color. Like a lot of you, I don't like the shoes either. 


I think her stylist could have picked a more flattering color for her dress, but I do like the style.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

She's young and stylish.  Young people don't care for the way most of us dress.  I remember when I was young and didn't like the way older women dressed but just thought they stopped caring about being fashionable after a certain age. 

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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

She's got the Alice in Wonderland look going on.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Taylor's Bronze/Brown/Rust Dress

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:
Yep, she 's wearing what she likes and laughing all the way to the bank. While others make nasty comments all day and night in bolded caps on a shopping channel forum

That can be said about any celebrity who people criticize 


I don't know if young people don't like the way older women dress.I didn't pay attention to other people's fashions when I was younger, so maybe some of them don't really care.  One can't generalize like that. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

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